Categorizing your online friends

Jan 06, 2007 15:53

As of this writing, I have 36 people, 15 communities, and 11 feeds on my friends list. Some of them are people I know IRL, some are related to various fandoms of mine, some are LJ-related, and some are purely random and read for the fun of it.

There's quite a lot of information that comes in through my Friendslist, and I use LJ's Edit Friends panel to colorize my various friends and feeds to help me better differentiate them in my head. LJ also offers a way to filter my friendslist; I've never really gotten into that, probably for fear that I'll miss something interesting. Conversely, I also use custom security groups to set up levels of classification for my LJ posts; this allows me to post sensitive and/or private information online without worrying about to whom it will get out.

People have "circles" of friends IRL which they trust to varying degrees; the online world allows you to define these circles very clearly and tweak them at a moment's notice. So, struck with morbid curiosity, I decided to create this poll.

Poll How do you categorize your LJ friends?

polls, livejournal

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