Jul 31, 2008 17:59
So many things have been happening to me this ..month!Ok..
First,there were these birds that made a nest on my grandmas balcony. I was so cute-a-fied and i was hoping they would have a bright future... Until they got in a fight with some nosy crows who pushed over their nest and 2 baby bird embryos and 1 egg were murdered..Well,actually one baby bird was still alive (my mom threw both birds over the balcony,i know,such a love for baby animals)but i imagined it died shortly afterwards...And i had to clean it all up! i hoped that the crows would someday become aqquainted with a fist in their face. (hopefully mine)
Ok,and then tomorrow me,mah g-ma and mah cousin are going to Silverwood,Idaho!Spo i have been getting ready for it for some time...And then to alaska. guh.
And then i remembered this one time when i was at a friends house and her dog was chasing some birds.I went outside to se what the commotion was about and i noticed they were flying around a certain spot in the grass...I ran over there to see what i was.(stupidly,i regret not looking where i was going)And i saw 2 little (hairy)aby birds peping.god it was so cute!!eeeehhh!!But their nest was in the ground and the dog was biting at them.So i took them under my cover...
I fed them with a syringe filled with squishy bread,and gave them water to drank.I was so paranoid and started crying hysterically cuz i was afraid they were going to die.Then when my mom picked me up,My friend put them in a tree trunk (They were in a topless container and my friend is obsessed with her dog,so in her mnd,she thinks he is as fuzzy and innocent as a baby bunny.)and she didnt even think that he would even hurt them... So when i left,i called her and asked her the next day what happened to the birds,and she said that she couldnt find them anywhere,and that they flew away..
I later told my therapist this story (haha.im a weirdo)and she is all like "oh no,i bet i know what happened"Oh yeah,did i mention that while i was checking the little baby birds out in their fallen area,i saw a dead baby bird that looked like it broke its neck?Yeah,either he got in a serious car crash and got whiplash(hey that rhymes!)Or i seriously need to watch where im going! Gahhhhh.Ever tried suicide??lol,not me.Not me.