[BtC] Adam and Megabyte - Save the Last Dance for Me

Oct 20, 2007 01:55

Adam and Megabyte - Save the Last Dance for Me

Megabyte: *kneels next to where you are laying on the couch reading* *brushes the hair back from your face and smiles* Hey.

Adam: *puts my book down * Hey. Finished what you were working on?

Megabyte: Yeah. Sent the demo off. Should hear from the guy tomorrow about stuff he wants changed.

Adam: *moves over to give you room on the couch * You can take some time off then?

Megabyte: All yours for the resta the day. Can do whatever ya want.

Adam: *smiles* *pulls you close and kisses you * [Anything?]

Megabyte: *plops down on the couch next to you, not breaking the kiss* [Anything ya want.]

Adam: *runs my fingers up and down your arm * [I'd like to go out and do some couple stuff. Like a date or something. Been a while since we've done that with both of us so busy ]

Megabyte: *pulls away slowly* *eyes half lidded* That'd be awesome. Whatcha wanna do? Wanna get dressed up? *sends you a picture of me in my leather pants with a long sleeved t-shirt

Adam: *grins* Wear that and we won't make it out of the flat.

Megabyte: *grins back* Could wear it and give ya a reason to want to come back

Adam: Don't need a reason. Just you.

Megabyte: *softens to a smile* Got me. Always got me.

Adam: *smiles, very open * *kisses you, pulling you close * Love you, Edan.

Megabyte: *melts into the kiss* Love you too, BB.

Adam: [Would be happy just to stay like this. With you]

Megabyte: *reaches out with my edge power and turns on the computer's music player* [Wanna dance?]

Adam: [Love to] *stands up, you with me and holds out my hand * [Unless you wanna lead?]

Megabyte: *moves in close and takes your hand* [Follow ya wherever ya lead me.] *wraps my arms around your neck and nuzzles you*

Adam: *wraps my arms around your waist and starts moving us to the music * *smiles and sings along softly with it *

Megabyte: *smiles softly* *runs a hand down your back* *echoes back your words* [This I promise you]

Adam: *kisses you softly as we dance *

Megabyte: *leans into the kiss, moving with you* *looking forward to where the evening is going but not in a hurry to get there*

Adam: [Been a while since we did this. ]

Megabyte: [Way too long] *slides my hand down further to rest at the base of your spine* [Both been way busy with stuff]

Adam: *leans into your touch * [Yeah, gonna have to make sure we make time for this kinda thing. I've missed it.] *softly * Missed you.

Megabyte: [Missed you too. Glad ya got through the psych rotation. Don't have to go back again do ya?]

Adam: [Nope. All done. It was one of those give a go and see if it's an area you wanna specialise things. I don't. Be happy if I never have to do it again]

Megabyte: [Rather have ya back in maternity]

Adam: *gives you a look * [With that pager? Thought you wanted that at the bottom of the ocean somewhere]

Megabyte: *grins* [Better than having ya in psych. Can work around being interrupted way better]

Adam: [Sorry, I know I wasn't fun to live with on that rotation. Stirred up a lot of my own crap ]

Megabyte: *cups your face and kisses you* [Was worried aboutcha. Lotta stuff going on too.]

Adam: [Yeah I know. Sorry ]

Megabyte: [Don't need to be sorry. Just glad you got back to A&E. Way happier there.]

Adam: [Yeah.] *quiet for a moment * [Know there's stuff about that you don't like]

Megabyte: [Gonna be good and bad. Worth it to have you.]

Adam: [Not leaving you or letting go. Promised you that and meant it]

Megabyte: *slides my hand up under your shirt* [Rocking chairs and grandkids]

Adam: *smiles * [Yeah] *tugs your shirt out of your jeans * *leans down and kisses the skin around your neck *

Megabyte: *makes a happy noise and moves closer* [Thinking we should stay in today. Take ya out for dinner and dancing tomorrow]

Adam: [Like that idea. Just want some time with you today. Don't wanna share you with anyone]

Megabyte: *moves my hand further up under your shirt and drops the other to cradle your ass* [All yours. Only yours.]

Adam: *kisses you again, deeply * *runs my hand up and down your back * [Just yours too. Love you so much ]

Megabyte: *sings softly* Don't forget who's taking you home and in whose arms you're gonna be. Save the last dance for me. [Love you too, BB. More than life.]

Adam: *repeats, singing softly * Save the last dance for me. [Last dance and every dance is always yours. ] *rests my head against yours * [Holding you like this, being with you, makes me feel like we do have our lives ahead of us, gives me hope that we'll get the future we want]

Megabyte: [Got you. All I ever wanted.] *smiles* [Not gonna worry about the future. Wanna enjoy now with you.]

Adam: [One day at a time, together. Take the future as it comes] *stops moving to the music and caresses you both physically and telepathically through the bond * [Changed the stuff we could, making our own future now day by day, bit by bit ] *slight grin * *strokes your arse * Kinda like those bits of yours.

Megabyte: *grins wickedly* [Like taking you as you come.]

Adam: *groans * *whacks your arse * [Definitely your humour, not mine]

Megabyte: *nuzzles your neck* [Like you taking me too.]

Adam: [Give and take. Would like that]

Megabyte: *pulls you tighter against me and rolls my hips* [Like that too. Love you, Adam. So much.]

Adam: *starts undoing your shirt * [Think I'd like to do this in the bedroom]

Megabyte: [Your wish] *starts to back us towards the bedroom door*

Adam: *grins * *shows you what I'd like to do * [Or maybe yours?]

Megabyte: *breathing speeds up* [Can do that] *deepens the kiss and makes it more demanding*

Adam: *kisses you back, equally demanding * *keeps moving us towards the bedroom *

Megabyte: *bumps into the bedroom door and moans into the kiss* [Love you so much. Mine forever.]

Adam: *moves side on, through the door pulling you with me * [Forever and then some. Live together, die together] *softly * Love you. *closes the door behind us *
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