1. Post these rules:
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts
4. At the end of the post 8 more persons are tagged and named
1. Fell in love with Adam the first time I saw him. Dunno how or why just knew he was who I was gonna be with.
2. Eat alotta weird stuff. Got American, British, and Aussie influences plus what me and Adam like mixed all together.
3. Break things when I get pissed off. Lost alotta coffee mugs that way.
4. Like to ball up my boxers and shoot them into the laundry basket. Can hit it from across the room.
5. Know how to sail. Uncle Red taught me how when I was way little. Dad and I still go some times.
6. Once spent like four months grounded cause I wouldn't apologize to Millie. Got off with time served cause Dad got sicka having me around the house.
7. Can do imitations of other people's voices.
8. Named after my Uncle and he was named after his dad. All of us had nicknames we use.