Feb 08, 2007 21:21
please dont let my boyfriend move away. does it strike anyone else as odd that i have been dating the most beautiful BOY in the universe for six months now?
i spent two nights at my sisters apartment...or more accuratley, on my sisters couch at her apartment. i told myself that i needed to take a break from my constant partying...
and i totally regret that decision. i ended up with a fever for two days.
some 30 year old bitch pushed me out of the booth last night at the jackpot and everyone laughed at me. i hope i DO NOT live to see thirty if i turn out anything remotely like that haggard fish cunt. if so, let me know now so that i may commit suicide promptly. i wish she had when she was 21 what i have now. making a public spectacle out of people is not cool. especially when that person is me.