The Reynard Project (That's the *REAL* Project Codename too.)

Mar 16, 2008 00:46

Oh bloody lovely.

In a bid to try to stop terrorism, the US Government will monitor ONLINE GAMES.
(Specifically MMORPGs like World Of Warcraft.)

What the fuck are they smoki...oh wait. It's Dubya's administration still, isn't it?

"Not satisfied with having completely eradicated the global threat of terrorism, the U.S. Department of Intelligence, in their infinite wisdom and spendthrift, have turned their attentions to the final asylum of those that hope to violently wrest our freedom from us: MMOs."

"...should the collected data justify further action, to institute an automated system to track the actions of those playing games like World of Warcraft and report behavior they consider indicative of terroristic intent."

"The odds that terrorists are using MMOs as training grounds, recruitment centers, or meeting areas are incredibly slim, but however remote the possibility still exists."

U.S. Spies Want to Find Terrorists in World of Warcraft

US Government Ready to Spy on MMO Players

Leroy Akbar: U.S. looking for terrorists in MMOs

VIDEO: This also appeared briefly on this week's GT TV in Chapter Two.

politics, gaming, bush

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