Mocking BAD Firefly/Serenity Fic

Sep 30, 2007 03:33

Much like B-movies, it began as godawful material, but then a group of readers picked out the most horrid crap to make:

The worst Firefly/Serenity Fic EVER!

Here's their intro:

Here's a peek at the opening:

"Funny thing, sir. Here we sit on the brink of starvation, and a job just dropped out of the sky on us." said Zoe. “Guess things are going our way for once.”

Mal gave a slow smile, nodding in satisfaction. "What sort of a job?"

"The Consortium wants to hire us," said Zoe.

"Exposition, please?" said Mal.

"The Consortium is comprised of a number of wealthy and unscrupulous business people from around the system. Adali Niska, Atherton Wing, Gabriel Tam, Badger, the Companion Guild, Jubal Early, and Saffron. The Operative recommended us for the job."

"Shiny," said Mal. "With this lot, I reckon we should be prepared for a double-cross. Let’s send all vulnerable members of the crew off on their own for a bit while we do this meeting. Make sure they have no backup, and don't warn them anything might be amiss."


River, their new pilot, set them down flawlessly on the backwater planet; not bad for a girl only been flying for a week. She set the controls of the complex ship, docking her and setting the computer overrides with expert control. “Blue hands,” she whispered. “Bad people all through the wind, with badgers and oatmeal come to mimsy the widget.” Her eyes flew open with sudden fear, and she ran from the bridge in tears.

(Bear in mind this one is WRITTEN to be BAD, unlike the zillions of fics read to mock with this one. The whole thread is over here!)

firefly, fic, bad fic, serenity, joss whedon

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