FREE test sheets for COOL AID!

Mar 04, 2007 20:18

8:30 tonight, Channel Ten will be COOL AID - The National Carbon test.

The catch was you had to buy a Sunday Mail to get a test sheet.

Well, not any more.

Feel free to pass this copy of the Sunday Mail/Ten COOL AID "National Carbon Test" sheet around, print it out, or even cut and paste this to notepad to fill in as you watch (saves paper!)

This is 100% exactly what it said, except maybe one or two notes inside [these boxes].
(And yes, their "jokes" and the result paragraphs ARE cheesy. I did NOT write this.)


STEP ONE: Answer each question in the box provided.
STEP TWO: Watch Cool Aid 8:30 tonight on Channel Ten and find out the score on each answer.
STEP THREE: Add up your total points.
STEP FOUR: Check out how you scored in the panel, right. [Now at bottom]

Q1. What is your usual reaction when you open your electricity bill?

A: "Oh my God! Our energy use is over the top!"
B: "I'd say our energy use is fairly moderate, we're doing ok."
C: "Our low energy use is generating some serious savings!"
HINT: Working out whether you are a high, moderate or low energy user will be influenced by the number of people in your household. The most reliable method is to look at the kilowatt-hours (KWh) you use per quarter. Moderate electricity use for a small household is about 1,500 KWh, and for a larger household about 2,200 KWh. All-electric households will use more than those also connected to gas.

Name   | Answer | Points
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Q2. How much of your electricity comes from Green sources?

A: Green sauces? What, like Pesto?
B: Up to 25 per cent of my electricity is GreenPower or generated on-site from renewable sources. (eg. solar panels)
C: 100 per cent of my electricity is GreenPower or generated on-site from renewable sources.

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Q3. What water-efficient appliances do you have?

A: A water efficient shower head (At least three-star or 3A rating) and clothes washer (at least four-star or 4A rated).
B: A water efficient shower head only.
C: None of the above.

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Q4. How much do you usually spend on fuel a week?

A: Well, let's see, there's the limo, the sports car, the 4x4. Er, quite a lot.
B: I'd say I spend an average amount on fuel.
C: Not much. I use public transport, cycle or walk where I can.
HINT: Low fuel expenditure is less than $25 a week, moderate is $25-50, and high is more than $50.

Name   | Answer | Points
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Q5. How carbon-friendly is your motor vehicle?

A: I drive a big, fuel-guzzling motor vehicle.
B: I drive a small, fuel-efficient car.
C: I drive a hybrid car or small motorbike.
D: I don't have a motor vehicle.

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Q6. How much do you fly?

A: I try to avoid flying as much as possible, and when I do I buy carbon offsets.
B: I take a few domestic flights for work each year and an international holiday every few years.
C: I fly all the time. I've got more frequent flyer points than I know what to do with (and gee, I didn't even know you could offset your flights!)

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Q7. How often do you eat red meat?

A: Never or only occasionally.
B: I eat moderate portions of red meat two to three times a week.
C: I eat red meat just about every day.

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Q8. How much waste would you say your household produces each week (not including what you recycle)?

A: Not much. We recycle or compost as much as we possibly can.
B: A moderate amount. We recycle what we can.
C: We fill our wheelie bin to overflowing every week. Soon they'll have to send an extra garbage truck just for us!
HINT: Depending on your household size, the average ranges from around a quarter of a 240L wheelie bin (small households) to half a bin (large households of 4 or more).

Name   | Answer | Points
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Q9. How carbon-friendly is your home?

Circle all that apply to you:

A: My hot water system is solar, gas or heat pump and has a high star rating.
B: Almost all of my lighting is energy-efficient fluorescent lighting.
C: I have one fridge, and it has a high energy star rating (4 stars or more).
D: My clothes washer and dishwasher have high star ratings for energy and water (four stars or more).

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Q10. How carbon-friendly are your habits?

Circle all that apply to you:

A: I spend no more than four minutes in the shower each day.
B: I'm more likely to put on an extra layer of clothing than turn up the heating.
C: I use natural ventilation and/or fans to cool my home in summer.
D: I turn lights and appliances off when I don't need them. [note: They must have missed that fluro lights on and off all the time is more expensive than leaving them on for a long time.]
E: I usually wash my clothes on a cold wash.
F: I use a clothes line instead of a dryer to dry my clothes whenever I can.
G: I don't leave my home entertainment appliances on stand-by.
H: I walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving whenever I can.

Name   | Answer | Points
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SCORES: |          |          |          |          |


41+: Carbon Catastrophe! You seriously need to start a carbon diet - fatty
21-40: Carbon Cowboy! You're not doing too badly, but you could certainly make some changes to help slim down.
1-20: Cool Customer! You're looking pretty good, and you're definitely counting your Carbons, but there's always room for improvement.

cool aid

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