[NEWS] "V" For Vox Populi

Nov 15, 2006 04:48

Remember, remember, the *Sixth* of November...

“V” Meets The Secret Service

On Monday, November 6, 2006, “V” visited security check points at the White House, the main Treasury, IRS and Justice Department Buildings and the Capitol.

“V’s” purpose was to deliver the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances relating to the Government’s violations of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution, and to inform key Government officials that at least 100 more “Vs” would be at their doorstep on November 14th expecting a response to the Petitions.

When an agent asked if “V” would remove his mask for identification purposes, “V” explained that would defeat the very purpose of the mask, which was to give expression to the fact that the nation was becoming a police state, that too many people were becoming afraid to be identified as dissenters or protestors, and that this was not in the long term interest of a free people. The agents accepted the veracity of “V’s” message and refrained from veering “V” from his vanguard visit as the vox populi.

The most disturbing part of “V’s” interaction with the law enforcement authorities at DOJ occurred when the Homeland Security agent in charge asked “V” what was the purpose behind “V’s” presence at DOJ. “V” began to explain the First Amendment freedoms and the Right to Petition. Almost immediately the agent said, in effect, “You’re pulling my leg. You are trying to pull a fast one. I’m not falling for the garbage. I don’t want to hear it.”

All local and federal law enforcement agencies in DC now know the purpose of these events is to show peaceful support for the First Amendment Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances and to give expression to the fact that too many Americans are beginning to fear the Government and that that is unhealthy to the longevity of a free people and our Republic.

All participants are asked to arrive at Lafayette Park between 11 and 11:30 am on the 14th.

This looks like a fun story to watch!
(Also, bear in mind that the above paragraphs are a quick snippet - the article is LONGER.)

If you're in the DC area and have a spare V outfit, GO FOR IT! :D

Streaming Video of "V": High (250k) - Low (56k)

secret service, freedoms, usa, v for vendetta, homeland security, v

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