[Heroes] "NO Heroes for YOU!"

Sep 27, 2006 18:35

[News] HEROES, the new NBC drama, is available on iTunes for FREE download!

Hmm, that looks cool, with a clever premise. I think I'll go see that.
*Hunts around for HEROES for AGES, with no luck in finding anything at all.*

[iTunes] "Heroes"? Never heard of it. But I have a kids show, Higglypuff Her-

No, the show that NBC said was here.

[iTunes] Maybe you want to buy the song by David Bow-

Shut up. *Closes iTunes*

[LJ User Clarification] HEROES is actually available for download at www.nbc.com.

Awesome! There it is! WHEEEE!

[NBC.COM] DENIED. You're not in the U.S. But here, watch the advert anyway! We need the piles of cash to go diving in gold coins like Scrooge McDuck!

What?! Play you countryist bastard!



[NBC.COM] You wanna watch it, tune in to our station, Mondays 9/8c.

I'm not in the US.

[NBC.COM] Tune in.

Look, I don't have pay-tv/cable! I can't afford it, and free-to-air takes months, if not years, if the show even gets here! We haven't finished Battlestar Galactica's second season, nor finished season one of Farscape yet!

[NBC.COM] Tune in or move to the U.S.

...I can't afford pay-tv/cable, and you expect me to move countries...?!

[NBC.COM] Resistance is futile.

And you lot wonder why piracy of your shows continues to thrive.
*Gets friend's bittorrent instead.*

piracy, heroes, nbc, countryism

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