Download This Song!

May 20, 2006 01:26

Lyrics to a song famous for being catchy, yet also give the greedy music companies the finger with both hands.

Like the title suggests, by all means, download this song!
(Gotta love the guy's pseudonym. M.C LARS. Nice Metallica/Napster jab!)

It's two-thousand-six, the con-su-mer’s still pissed
Won't take it any-more so I’m wri-ting a list
Don't try to re-sist this para-digm shift
The mu-sic re-vo-lu-tion can-not be dis-missed
Eighteen-ninety-eight Ig-gy Pop C-D?
What if I can get it from my sis-ter for free?
It’s all about mar-ket-ing Clive Da-vis, see?
If fans buy the shirt then they get the M-P-3
Music was a pro-duct, now it is a ser-vice
Ma-jor re-cord la-bels, why are you try-ing to hurt us?
Epic’s up in my face like, “Don’t steal our songs Lars,”
While So-ny sells the bur-ners that are bur-ning C-D-R’s
So War-ner, E-M-I, hear me clear-ly
U-ni-ver-sal Mu-sic, up-date your cir-cuit-ry
They sue lit-tle kids down-load-ing hit songs
They think that makes sense
When they know that it’s wrong

Hey Mr. Re-cord Man
The joke’s on you
Run-ning your la-bel
Like it was nine-teen-nine-ty-two
Hey Mr. Re-cord Man,
Your sys-tem can’t com-pete
It’s the New Ar-tist Mo-del
File trans-fer, com-plete!
Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!

I know I'm rhy-ming fast, but the mess-age is clear
You don’t need a mill-ion doll-ars to launch a ca-reer
If your style is un-ique and you prac-tice what you preach
Mi-nor Threat and Jel-lo both have things to teach!
I've got G-5 pro-duct-ion, con-cept vid-e-os
Tour-ing with a lap-top, rock-ing packed shows
The old-school ma-jor deal? It makes no sense
In-dent-ured ser-vit-ude, the costs are too imm-ense!
Their fin-ger’s in the dam but the crack keeps on grow-ing
Can’t sell bott-led water when it’s free-ly flow-ing
Re-cord sales slip-ping, down 8 per-cent
In-creased down-load sales, you can't pre-vent
Sat-el-lite ra-di-o and vid-e-o games
Changed the terr-ain, it will ne-ver be same
Did you know in ten years la-bels won't ex-ist?
Good-bye D-V-D’s, and com-pact discs!

Hey Mr. Re-cord Man,
What's wrong with you?
Still li-ving off your cat-a-logue
From nine-teen-ei-ghty-two
Hey Mr. Re-cord Man,
Your sys-tem can't com-pete
It's the new ar-tist mo-del
File trans-fer, com-plete!
Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!

You know, we just wanted a level playing field.
You’ve overcharged us for mu-sic for years, and now we’re
Just trying to find a fair balance. I hate to say it, but…

Welcome to the future.

Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!
Down-load this song!

Hey Mr. Re-cord Man
The joke’s on you
Run-ning your la-bel
Like it was nine-teen-nine-ty-two
Hey Mr. Re-cord Man,
Your sys-tem can’t com-pete
It’s the New Ar-tist Mo-del
File trans-fer com-plete!

Abbie Hoffman would be proud. *grin*

revolution, music, catchy, protest

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