[DVD Viewings] Peaches

Apr 03, 2006 22:51

Not too bad a film, especially since it was made in my state too.
(Still kicking self for missing his quick visit here to promote this movie in cinema after Crowe went all Egotistical Wanker on the set of Eucalyptus and Hugo and Kidman had time on their hands...)

Not too dark, but considerably moody and a tad artsy-fartsy, but played well by all concerned.

Good to see an Aussie movie besides The Castle do some pop-culture references that AREN'T either redubbed (The Castle's "Whassat love?"-"Meatloaf." redub anyone?) or pop culture from outside of Australia too.
(And for any viewers confused by the references, or subtly referenced, see/look up: "Celebrity Head"[game segment of "Hey Hey it's Saturday"] and "Countdown" [TV show].)

Oh, and for the usual suspects, with zero spoilers, Hugo has some suprises in store in terms of what his character gets up to. Put it this way: Rated MA15+(Aussie near-equivalent of US' NC17) for Strong everything across the board.
(And, boy, I hope he eventually chooses a cheerier role to try! It seems he loves the moody/dark roles. Even in the comedy Reckless Kelly, he was a dark bad guy, albeit with a comedic slant! What's to bet if he was reborn into now, he'd be an Emo kid?)

Still need to find "The Interview" on DVD along with "Man who read love stories", among others, but I think I've massacred most of the more well known stuff he's done so far!

hugo weaving, peaches

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