V For Vacuous...

Mar 26, 2006 22:58

What the hell?

Each of those little GC-Star Icons? Stands for Gold Class cinemas. AU$31 is the typical cost, JUST to ENTER!

Where the fuck are the NORMAL listings?!

If Greater Union don't add average price listings (AU$12 approx), I'm never going again.

Honestly. After all of the "Piracy is Evil" ads flooding our DVDs...boo hoo frikkin' hoo Big Studios.

"Noone goes to our films in the cinema any more! People pirate our films! The DVDs sell better than Cinemas!"

Well I WONDER the HELL WHY! Sheesh.

- A month of delay between US Release and Aussie release.

- Cinemas apparently refusing to do NORMAL pricing.

- Only three, FOUR shows tops a DAY at AU$31 a pop!

Grow a BRAIN Executives. At LEAST ONE between the LOT of you...!

studio stupidity, v for vendetta, wachowski, greater union, hugo weaving

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