The Crap New Marriage Amendment:The Burning Bush threatens to inspire others...

Nov 10, 2005 12:21

Oh Bloody hell...

What I fear most is here in Australia we have an angry midget with bushy eyebrows called "Howard", who gets off on being called "Prime Minister".

Howard LOVES pre-60s Australian "values". You know, before love was freely expressed with or without drugs.
Howard, if he could, would remake Australia LIKE the 1950s, like a deranged, backwards Back To The Future-like time travel, minus the cool DeLorean and one shot at returning.
Howard is married to his wife, who does nothing but what she's told, cooks, cleans, pops out and raises her kid(s?), and is allowed nothing else, and the public have NEVER heard her talk for herself.
Howard LISTENS to Bush.
Howard has FOLLOWED Bush's lead EVERY frakking time.
Howard and his Liberal Party have 51% Majority of Parliment.
Howard has voted SEVERAL new laws in. For FUN.

Don't feed the troll (down) under the bridge Bush. Cram these stupid ideas and DON'T set your "example" for Howard. He's stupid enough as it is.

Because (God forbid) he WILL do it, to preserve the "sanctity" of marriage, which makes such shining examples of heterosexual marriage, like my dad for example, who stayed till I was *six*(sister only three), then fucked off with ZERO child support for the next 17 years(including my sister, now 20), and he left, telling his wife about his marriage(and kids):

"I haven't loved you for three years."

My sister was barely three. Feel the love.

Yep, heterosexual marriage SURE is sacred! We must defend it from EVIL fluffy bunny that is homosexual marriage! To arms!

(And if it even matters, this is a HETERO point of view, and OUR marriages are as sacred as Satanic Screwathons to Death Metal music.)

howard, politics, us, bush, australia

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