The Firefly Curse.

Oct 30, 2005 00:34

Or several in fact, thanks to help from living_impaired from GreatestJournal!

Phrases - 說明
a centipede dies but never falls down (old institutions die hard) - bǎi zú zhī chóng sǐ ér bù jiāng
absolutely not - júe duì bú shì
are you ok? - Ni meí shì bà?
are you unhappy? - nǐ hěn bù gāo xìng ma?
as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals - bīng tàn bù xiāng róng
be careful - Xiâoxin
be outraged by an injustice - bào bù píng
be quiet / shut up - Bì zuî
be quiet / shut up - Zhùzuî
blessing on you, dear sister - Zhufu ni, meimei.
can I have one more class of Ng-Ka-Pei? [a Chinese medicinal herb-wine] - Qing zailai yibei Ng Gaa Pei?
can't compare with - bǐ bù shàng
come in - Qingjin
dear god in heaven - Wo detain, a.
do you love me? - Nǐ ài wǒ ma?
do you really love me? - Nǐ zhēn ài wǒ ma?
do you think I'm an idiot? - Ni juede wo hen ben ma?
don't mention it (impolite form of "you're welcome") - bú kè qì
everybody shut the hell up! - Nimen dou bizui.
forget it - Suànle.
get out / shut up [nonsense] - Huche.
god knows what - tain xiaode
goodbye - Zài-jiàn
hello? - Ni hao?
happy new year - Guo nian
have a nice day! - Zhù nǐ yī tiān guò de yú kuài!
have something ready just in case - bèi ér bù yòng
hold on a second - Deng yimiao.
I don't know. - wǒ bù zhī dào
I don't like you - wǒ bù xǐ hūan nǐ
I don't understand. - Wo bù dong.
I love you. - Wǒ ài nǐ.
I love mom. - Wǒ ài mā mā.
I'm fine - Wô hên hâo
I'm not fine - bù hǎo
I will love you forever. - Wǒ huì yǒng yǔan ài nǐ.
in that case, nevermind. - Na mei guanxi.
it's nothing / it's ok - Méi guänxi
it's no big deal - zhè jiàn shì bù zhòng yào
just our luck! - Zhen daomei!
keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks; be undaunted by repeated setback - bǎi zhé bù náo
kick me in the bottom! [as in, "I'm an idiot."] - Tee wuh duh pee-goo. [a knot of self-indulgent lunacy] - fangzong fengkuang de jie
let's take a deep breath - Yiqi shen huxi.
may I have the pleasure...? - Wo nén qin ni tiào wu ma...?
mind your own business. - Guan ni ziji de shi.
nevermind. you didn't do it on purpose. - Méiguanxì, ni yòu bùshì gùyì de.
no way - Cai bu shi
no way! - Juéduì bù
not at all - bìng bù
of course - dang ran
oh, I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. - Duìbùqi, wo búshì gùyì de.
oh, this is a happy development. - O, zhe zhen shi ge kuaile de jinzhan.
okay / sure - Hao
okay (reluctant) - Hao ba
over my dead body [literally, not unless I die] - chufei wo sile
pleased to meet you - Gaoxing jìandào nî
shut up, you inconsiderate schoolboys! - Bizui, nin hen butitie de nansheng!
sorry - Duìbùqî
sorry, please forgive my mistake - duì bù qǐ qǐng yúan liàng wǒ
sorry, I stained your shoes. - Duìbùqi, wo ba nide xié zi nòngzang le.
thanks - Xièxie
thank you - Xièxie nî
there can never be too much deception in war - bīng bù yàn zhà
understand? - Dong ma?
very good! - Ding hao!
very good - hen hao
very big - hen da
watch your back [This is pretty damned dangerous. Pay attention] - Zhen tama yaoming. Zhuyi
weak-ass sauce! [As in, "This booze sucks!"] - Landan jiang!*
we're in big trouble - Aiya, women wanle.
what? [I'm sorry?] - Shénme?
what's the harm? - Hé fang?
what is this garbage? - Zhe shi shenme lan dongxi?
yes / right - Shìde
you are crazy - nǐ fēng le
you are in a bad mood - nǐ de xīn qíng bù hǎo
you're looking wonderful, old friend - Laopengyou, ni kan qilai hen you jing shen. (Point of interest, this is Morena Barracin's favorite Chinese line from Firefly.)
you are so beautiful - Nî hâo mêi
you don't deserve her, you fink [literally, you're not good enough, you bastard] - Ni be guoge, ni hunqiu.
you stepped on my toe. - Ni cai le wo dé jiao.

Endearments/Relationships - 關係
an absolute genius - zhen de shi taincai
big brother (familiar) - ge ge
big brother (formal) - dà ge
big sister - jie jie
daddy (familiar) - bà bàn
dear / darling - qin ài de
father (formal) - fùqin
husband - zhàngfu
little brother - xíao dì dì
little friend (familiar) / kid - xiâo péngyou
little sister (familiar) - mèimei
little sister - xiao mèimei
mommy/mummy (familiar) - mà mà
mother (formal) - mu qin
sweetheart - bao bei
sweetheart / darling - xin gan
young one - nianqing de

Insults - 侮辱
animal - dòngwù
animal fucking bastard - chùsheng xai-jiao de xiang huo
baboon's ass-crack - feifei de piyan
bastard - liúmáng
bastard - sishengzi
bastard - wan ba dan
bastard / asshole / jerk - Hundan
big dick - Da diao.
bitch - pofù
bitch - Si san ba.
bitch (a flirtatious woman) - Hu li jing
cheap floozy - jianhuo
coward - nuòfu
dead man doggie - Si lang kow.
dirty bastards sons of bitches - Wangbadan
dumb cunt (used like motherfucker) - Shabi
dumb cunt, big - Da Shabi
filthy fornicators of livestock - He chusheng zajiao de zanghuo.
fool/jerk (familar) - chunrén
foreign devil - Yang gui zi
frog-humping son of a bitch - qingwa cào de liúmáng
hermaphrodite - Yin yang ren
horrible old tyrant - kewu de lao baojun.
idiots. all of you. - Nimen duo shi shagua.
lecherous - Se mi mi de ren.
lousy bastard - Chou wan ba dan
lunatic - Shingjingbing.
motherfucker - Gan ni niang
mother-humping son of a bitch - tama de hundan.
monkey's butt - houzi de pigu
monster - yaoguài
moron - Chuin-zi
pig head - ju tou
piss-soaked pikers [urine-soaked habitual gamblers] - niao shi de dugui
pussy (bad insult to a man) - Ji bai.
a real bastard - ge zhen de hundan
remorseless harridan - bu huihen de pofu
retard [dumb melon] - Sha gwa
smelly asshole - Chu shie fook.
smelly cunt - Cho ji bai.
smelly slave wench - Cho yade.
son of a rabbit - Too zaizi
stubborn disciplinarian - pianzhi de jiuchayuan
stupid - chun
stupid - yúchûn
stupid inbred sack of meat - ben tiansheng de yidui rou
stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey - liu kuoshui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi.
trash (dispicable person) - wúnéug de rén
violent lunatic - xiongmeng de kuangren
whore - Ji nu.
whore, male (lit. colored wolf) - Yanse lang.
whores of S.O.Bs - wangbadan de biaozi
why don't you tell the cow about it's beautiful eyes? - Ni gaosu na niu ta you shuang meimu?
yes man (derogatory) - zôugôu
[you] idiot! - Bèn dàn!
you are a cheat! - Ni shi pian zi!
you are a fool. - Ni shi sai gooa.
you are an idiot. - Ni shi bai chi.
you are a rotten egg. - Ni shi hwin dan.
you have a face like a rotting cunt. - Ni Ya Lien zhangde gen Lanbi shide.
your heart is black! - Ni xin tai hei le!
your mother's a cunt! - Ni male ge bi!

General Profanity / Exclaimations - 常規褻瀆
all that's proper - suoyou de dou shidang
all the planets of space flushed into my butt! - Taikong suoyou de xingqiu saijin wo de pigu!
bullshit - gôu pì
butt / bottom - pigu
buy pussy - Mai bee
cow dung - niushi
cow shit - niufen
cow-sucking - xi niu
crap! / damn! - Zaogao!
crap / dog crap - goushi
damn! - Aiya!
dog-humping - guo cao de
eat pussy! - Tian ping!
eat my dick [literally, eat banana] - Chee jiao.
eat my shit - Chee wo de shi.
eat shit - Chee shi.
engage in a feces-hurling contest with a monkey - gen houzi bi diushi
explosive diarrhea of an elephant! - Daxiang baozhashi de laduzi!
extraordinarily impatient Buddha - Zhen mei naixing de Fozu.
[to] fart (lit. to let your ass go) - Fang pi
fuck (exclaimation) - Made!
[I] fuck - Wa tsao.
[to] fuck - Gan tsao
fuck eighteen generations of you ancestors - Tsao ni zuzong shiba dai.
fuck everyone in the universe to death! - Ni tama de tianxia suoyou de ren duo gaisi.
fuck him! / fuck that! - Qù tamade!
fuck me blind! - Tama de!
fuck off - Gunkai
fuck your dad - Gan nin bei.
fuck your family name - Zao ni de xing.
fuck your grandfather's piss stinking arsehole - Wo cao ni yeye de sao pi yanr.
fuck your mother - Zao ni ma.
fuck your teacher (for not teaching you) - Gan ni lao shi.
fuck your uncle - Tzau ni Daye.
garbage - lese
garbage / nonsense - fèhuà
go eat shit - Chi shi.
go to hell, fat ass - Chiu di yu, pu yin.
hell [ghost, demon] - Gui.
hey! - Wei!
holy mother of god and all her wacky nephews! - Wo de ma he ta de fengkuang de waisheng dou.
holy testicle Tuesday - Shensheng de gaowan.
I wish you a slow death, but a quick ride to hell! - Wo xi wang ni man man si, dan kuai dian xia di yu!
impotent - Yangwei
junk - feiwu
kiss my ass - Chin wo de pigu.
like hell! [See his ghost!] - Jian ta de gui!
masturbate - Zi wei
merciful buddha - Renci de Fouzu.
motherfucker! (exclaimation) - Tamade!
motherless goats of all motherless goats! [Orphan goats among young goats] - Gaoyang zhong de guyang.
mother of Jesus [literally, my ma!] - Wo de ma.
name of all that's sacred [God knows what] - tain xiode
oh god. (exclaimation) - Tianna
oh sky (exclaimation) - Wode tìan
panda urine - xiongmao niao
penis - Diao.
penis - Jiba.
poo (or to take a poo) - dà biàn
screw / fuck (v/t) - cào
screw you - Qu ni de.
suck my dick - Ha wo deh bang.
suck one's dick - Ha bang.
shit - Sch.
shit on my head! - Aiya huaile!
ugly as hell - Chou ba guai.
vagina (polite) - Ni yin.
whores in hell! [She's the mother of all whores in hell!] - Ta shi suoyou diyu de biaozi de ma!
you have no dick! - Ni meiyou langun!
your wife is cheating on you (lit. you have a pretty green hat) [Strong insult in China] - Ni you piaoliang de lu maozi.

Other - 其他
absolute necessity - bì bù kě shǎo zǔ chéng
ass-kicking killer - xiongcan shashou
beautiful / pretty - mêilì
big change - da bianhua
blue sun - lan ri
brilliant [splendid] - jingcai
crazy / nuts - kuangzhe de
danger - wei
danger electricity - wei dian
dumb as a wooden chicken [paralized by fear] - dairuomu ji
elegant - youmei
fragile - yisui
gay [as in homosexual] - Ton shing lian
handsome / cute - shuài
life support failure. check oxygen levels at once. - Jiusheng xitong guzhang. Jiancha yangqi gongying.
love story - ài qíng gù shì
management not responsible for ball failure. - Ruguo taiqiu huaile, na me guanli jiu bu fuze de.
nonsense - feihua
not dumb / not too stupid - bù bèn
pan-fried dumplings (New Year specialty) - jiao-zi
petty [trivial] - Suoxi
pimp - Lao mao.
police - jing
Serenity - Píngjìng
small - shao
smelled a fart - wenguo pi
stylish clothing - jiangjiu de fuzhuang
stunning / amazing - lìngrén jingyì
too small - tai da
tour bus - youlanche
whichever - Rènhé

*I pulled this from a deleted line from a Firefly shooting script, so I only have a phonetic translation.

And to add to that, here's a whole database list of ones not yet used in 2005 Firefly canon scripts/stories!

Mandarin Cursing Reference at Insultmonger.Com>

firefly, slang, swearing, chinese, serenity, fun

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