Apr 23, 2006 09:49
I'd really like to thank everyone last night for performing an amazing show...
Despite a few minor incidents, the show went really well.
I was happy we broke even,and that I was able to give the bands gas money and stuff.
It was a great night,with great people and great music.
I was impressed with the number of people who came, despite the show being in the middle of nowhere...
So once again, thank you to everyone for being amazing.
Thank you to my amazing best friend who went on food runs for us,I love you so much...
Thank you to her boyfriend,who is xtoughx when he needs to be...
Thank you to RFBD,aa milne,EDS,deterrence,A textbook Tragedy,Strawman Fallacy,Love and Terror Cult...
Thank you to Strawman for being big and manly!
Thank you to Andrew for being amazing,and convincing me that everything was,in fact,going to be okay...<3.
Thank you to all the people who came out ,from ALL OVER TORONTO!!!
I'm pretty sure that's it.