I wish I could even begin to tell you what I feel

May 26, 2004 22:18

So I'm kinda bored. School was normal yesterday, as it was today. The first part of Humanities was fun cause half the class was gone so we were just sitting around. I was joking around with Sarah a lot and it was priceless ("Did he hug sex you good?" "You is good speak!"). When I came home I practiced trumpet a lot...The Jazz Band tryouts are tomorrow...I'm nervous.

Eh...I hate being single.

ComptonJazZz: mrr
pistachio284: beep
ComptonJazZz: what are your thoughts on sleeping
pistachio284: sleeping....its an activity for people who lack energy. it would be really funny if insomniacs had sleeping contensts...haha....like...a sport...
ComptonJazZz: how about sex
pistachio284: thats an activity for people who are horny....hopefully you knew that...
pistachio284: and i found out that only humans and dolphins do it for fun
pistachio284: but not together
ComptonJazZz: how about sex while sleeping
pistachio284: thats called a dream.
pistachio284: if youre a guy its called a wet dream.
ComptonJazZz: no no no
ComptonJazZz: like one person awake and trying, the other sleeping
pistachio284: oh that's just sick. and its probably illegal like that thing...whats it called again? oh yeah, RAPE
ComptonJazZz: noo
ComptonJazZz: like they're both sexing, and then one of them falls asleep
pistachio284: then its gross...because theyre most likely over the age of 40
ComptonJazZz: they could be young
pistachio284: no.
pistachio284: NO
pistachio284: !!!
ComptonJazZz: yes.
pistachio284: i need to take a shwoer
ComptonJazZz: YES
ComptonJazZz: !!!
pistachio284: shower
ComptonJazZz: its like we're having sex
ComptonJazZz: but rape
pistachio284: dont laugh at me
ComptonJazZz: ra[ing
ComptonJazZz: raping
pistachio284: dont call me names
ComptonJazZz: hahahaha
pistachio284: dont get your pleasure from my pain
ComptonJazZz: i didnt call you a name
ComptonJazZz: jaajaaa
ComptonJazZz: *hahahaha
ComptonJazZz: i JSUT got that
ComptonJazZz: just
ComptonJazZz: JSUT
ComptonJazZz: JSUT
ComptonJazZz: JSUT
ComptonJazZz: JUST
pistachio284 is away at 10:28:32 PM.
ComptonJazZz: i hate you

Auto response from pistachio284: ::shower::

and for those of you who "jsut" got it....haha

ComptonJazZz: see? thats why i hate you

Auto response from pistachio284: ::shower::

and for those of you who "jsut" got it....haha

ComptonJazZz: stop deleting my ims
ComptonJazZz: okay you did
ComptonJazZz: okay im still talking to your away message
ComptonJazZz: okay im gonna go put this on my lj, and my away messages.

I love Anna.


I'm gonna gooooooo.
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