[master list]

Jan 01, 2013 13:46

This journal is 99.9% open! IRL stuffs stays IRL and fanfiction stays on here~

An asterisk (*) means it's a multichaptered fic

Black Tuesday - Canada and America
October 29th was a very important day to Matthew. It was the day he saw his brother fall.
Genre: Drama/Broangst
1929. T

Breakable - France/UK
Some people mocked Arthur Kirkland for still believing in Santa even though he was turning eighteen. Francis Bonnefoy found other things to mock him for.
Genre: Romance/Drama
AUModern. T. //Chinese version//

Come What May - France/UK
During Arthur's first day in Paris, he managed to piss off the most sought after woman in the entire country and condemn himself to living the rest of his life in a broken-down apartment with an Italian. Not bad for a day. (Based heavily on Moulin Rouge)
Genre: Romance/Drama
AU1899. T.

Compromising  - Germany/Italy
Austria could only reach one conclusion. Italy and Germany were in there for the sole purpose of messing up his carefully placed linens. What other possible business could they have inside his closet?
Genre: Romance/Humour
Modern. T.

Confession - America/UK (tiniest hint of Russia/America)
Arthur knows something is wrong the moment Alfred walks into his office. There is something off about him. In his confident smile. In his steely eyes and in the tone in his voice There is something wrong, but Alfred was never one for telling secrets.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst
Cold War era. T.

* Divine Intervention - France/UK (With loads of Bad Touch Trio angst) -complete-
Francis was looking for a sign, something that would show him that there was some light at the end of the miserable tunnel that was his life. An Englishman claiming he was an angel was not what he was expecting.
Genre: Drama/Angst/Romance
ModernAU. M. //Chinese Version//

* Fallen Knight - France/UK (Prussia/UK hinted at) -ongoing-
The United Kingdom has fallen and the Reich now overshadows all hope of victory. England’s only hope lies in his will to survive and those around him, whether he can trust them or not.
Genre: Drama/Suspense
World War IIAU. M.

* Fireflies - France/UK+USUK -ongoing-
In Arthur’s closet, tucked away in the back, next to his stash of cigarettes and whiskey, there are two things. One is an album of pictures he wished was empty and the other was of a leather jacket he swore to never keep.
Genre: Drama/Romance
ModernAU. M.

fifty reasons why they had to hate, needed to love - France/UK ( 50sentences challenge)
Genre: Everything.
AUs, all timelines, all random.

Hockey Culture - Canada, America, England and Russia
This would be, perhaps, one of the less friendly outings Alfred F. Jones had attended. Not that he had an exceptional track record in the first place or anything.
Genre: Humour
1972. T.

Hot Chocolate - Prussia/Canada
Matthew calls Prussia a child after an unfortunate accident at the skihill. Gilbert takes it upon himself to show just how mature he can be.
Genre: Romance/Humour
Modern. T.

In The Backroom - France/UK (With mentions of Canada and America)
When Arthur first explores the lovely town Eadem he falls in love almost at once. The only thing he thinks he’s fallen in love faster with is Francis Bonnefoy. He wants to open a pub there. Francis does not. (Takes place in Le Lys et La Rose verse)
Genre: Romance
ModernAU. T.

Inequity and Integrity - France/UK (with a whole bunch of British Isles)
The first time Arthur Kirkland fell for Francis Bonnefoy was based on pure physical attraction. Every other corresponding time after that was over something much more romantic. And Arthur loathed him for this.
Genre: Austen-esque Romance
Regency. K+.

* It Had To Be You - France/UK (with the entire cast) -ongoing-
There are a hundred ways to say 'I love you'. It only takes England one-hundred-and-eight.
Genre: Romance/History
Spanning from the year 407 to 2010. T (two M chapters)

Lest We Forget - England and Canada
Arthur sat at his brother's bedside, reading the poem that told of poppies and truth he had yet to understand.
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
World War I-1915. K.

* Little Mishaps - France/UK (with appearances of entire cast) -complete-
Arthur didn’t mean to change France into a child, but he was never quite himself when he was drunk. Until then, Arthur was going to be relearning the joys of fatherhood until he figured out how to change him back.
Genre: Humour/Romance/Fluff
Modern AU. T. //Chinese version//

Little One - Sweden and Canada
Sweden discovers new land but doesn't find exactly what he was expecting.
Genre: Humour/Family/fluff
Viking Era/Modern. K.

* Memoirs of an English Busboy - France/UK (With Pathetic Trio aplenty) -complete-
If Arthur was ever going to write a personal memoir, this is exactly where he would start. With a Frenchman groping him, suffocating between a pair of large Ukrainian breasts and a failing band on the side.
Genre: Humour/Romance
Modern AU. T.

* Memoirs of a Prussian Defence - Prussia/Canada and France/UK -complete-
If Gilbert was ever going to write a personal memoir, this is exactly where he would start. With a concerned Canadian standing over him, an angry Brit yelling from the stands and his voice utterly gone.
Genre: Humour/Romance
Modern AU. T.

Minuet - France/UK (mention of Elizabeth I)
A birthday is hardly a petty thing.
Genre: Fluff/light romance
Pre-French Revolution. K.

Of Merlot and Chemical Clean Ups - France/UK (With Liechtenstein and Switzerland makes guest appearances)
In which the janitor’s closet is used as an ideal location for the French and English teachers to drink wine and not scar their students with their drunken tomfoolery.
Genre: Romance/Humour
Modern AU. T. //Chinese version//

Of Raw Fish and Warm Sake - UK/Japan
England would admit it; the smaller man unnerved him. Outright blunt rudeness aside, his quietness simply reeked of potential serial killer. Not to mention that katana on his hip wasn’t just for show.
Genre: Humour/Romance
Modern. T.

Ordinary - Germany/Italy (With Greece popping in unexpectedly)
In which a chance encounter on a train involving a German mechanic, a Italian innkeeper and a kitten seals Ludwig's fate with 'La Dolce Vita' and the younger Vargas brother. (Takes place in " Two Weeks of Sunshine" verse)
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Modern AU. K.

* Plain Shadows - France/UK (With the cast pulling a but cameo throughout) -HIATUS-
AU. The end of summer nears and the fair city of Paris has fallen. The city trembles before the looming Reich, but Arthur does not. Neither does the double-edged cross, standing strong in a battle where guns and bombs mean nothing and all one can trust are the webs of faith, betrayal and deceit that hold the once-fair city together.
Genre: Drama/Suspense/Romance
World War II AU. T

Russian Roulette - Russia/America
This wasn’t the way the great ‘Hero’ of the Cold War was supposed to die, tied up with a crazy Russki pointing a gun at him. “Can’t we make a deal?” America blurted out as Ivan advanced on him.
Genre: Drama/Russia messing with America
Cold War era. T.

Scars - France/UK
Arthur doesn't remember much about the night, but the marred skin on his back and the French nation at his bedside give him some idea of what had passed.
Genre: Hurt/Angst/Romance
Somewhere around the French Revolution. T.

Scrambled Eggs - UKcentric
Arthur remembers everything. It was only a matter of time before he fell to the madness that plagues him. (Takes place in "What the Heart Forgets" verse)
Genre: Angst/Drama
ModernAU. T.

Smile For Me - France/UK
“Ma belle Angleterre… Can I have one picture of you where you don’t look like an angry child?” 
Genre: Fluff
Modern. T.

Stab My Back - UK/France/Lithuania
Arthur didn't know what he was expecting to find the hospital room besides a broken and half-alive Frenchman. What he had not been expecting was Toris Lorinaitis.
Genre: Hurt/Angst/One-Sided Romance
Modern. T.

Stormy Weather - France/UK
Arthur loved storms. He loved them because a certain Frenchman hated them.
Genre: Romance/Humour
Modern. T.

* The Most Incredible, Awesome, Kick-Ass, Foolproof Date Plan Ever - Prussia/Hungary, Hungary/Austria, France/Spain -complete-
It was foolproof. He had worked on every plan, every detail and each possible outcome almost guaranteed him Elizaveta's love. Until it was ruined by Gilbert's two cockblocking, fags of best friends.
Genre: Humour/Romance
ModernAU. T.

* Two Weeks of Sunshine - France/UK (with USUK on the side along with the rest of the cast) -complete-
What Arthur had expected on his trip of the vineyards of France was solitude, good wine, and a quiet end to his rather disastrous love life. What he had not expected was a hostel in Rome with a Frenchman, no wine and rainy start to a long summer.
Genre: Romance/Humour (but it dips into drama/angst in later chapters)
ModernAU. T

Typical Situation - Canada-centric (UK and Canada father/son)
Matthew was always the quiet one. His quietness is what binds him to this fate, this fate in which he is forced to remember in a world where no one else can. (Takes place in "What the Heart Forgets" verse)
Genre: Angst/Drama
ModernAU. T.

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Fanart archive of things not on deviantART

fandom: axis powers hetalia

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