Hey! I've not died and been buried in the pile!

Jun 30, 2011 03:14

Just thought I'd check to see if everyone was still playing nice. I don't do much LJ anymore due to time constraints and yuk advertising. BUT I did want to see how things were going here. If there's anything that needs brought to my attention, please let me know.

I'm thinking there's a ton of you here that have never seen me post. *gasp* D:

This year I got a couple of folks I care about to turn my bed. They got a foot down, called it off for the day and then a deluge happened. I currently have a clay pit in my back yard baked by the sun with a lumpy mass all around one side with my bin at the end. Seems the soil hits hard pan about a foot down. So without a pick ax I think we're stuck. Seriously thinking about encasing the entire row in mesh and raising a huge lasagna bed. What would you use to contain this raised bed? I used single landscape timbers several years ago, but they're now eaten up and need tossing. Operative words here: Damn Cheap if not Free.
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