Title: (Undecided)
Rating: Mostly PG-13, if I ever grow a pair, perhaps eventual R.
Fandom: Bandom (Panic! At The Disco, Young Veins)
Genre: AU/Humor
Summery: In which Spencer's girlfriend dumps him after he proposes, Jon pines after being naked and Brendon and Ryan are just really, really confused.
Warnings: Um. This is only a preview. Don't get any hopes up. It'll probably be actually starting to be posted end of December/January. Depending on if I actually get my ass in gear. It won't be too long, anywhere from three to fifteen, I would guess.
"Spencer, if you don't move off of my couch in the next ten seconds, I'm going to hold a naked party and make everyone sit on your face." Jon was pretty proud of his improvement in the area of sympathy. Spencer made no move to...well...move, and Jon began his removal of clothing. Spencer was fine until he heard Jon's zipper slide and he realized that Jon was serious. So, he put his hand out to smack Jon's stomach and only ended up missing, flailing about for a bit and then falling on the ground with a loud and painfully-sounding thump. Then he proceeded to pretend as if that was exactly where he planned to be. Jon just stared and tried not to laugh. He failed and Spencer was so not amuse.
"Ok, now get up or I'm keeping my promise." Jon managed through laughter.
"I'm not on the couch." Spencer mumbled.
"Ok, seriously, Spence? Ryan thinks you’re being overdramatic. Ryan."
"Ryan's never really been in love. He's never been rejected on this scale before. When the devout religion of mine eye maintains such falsehood, then turn tears to fires; and these, who often drown'd could never die, transparent heretics, be burnt for liars! one fairer than my love! the all-seeing sun ne'er saw her match since first the world begun."
"...You're quoting Romeo? That's it, I'm calling in Ryan."
"I was being ironic."
"You suck at irony -- that's why you play the drums. I suck at irony, that's why I play the bass. We keep the beat, we don't do anything creative for a reason." Spencer just gave him a glare that said, quite clearly, "shut-up, Jon, you're-a-fucking-asshat." Jon had always been slightly scared, but mostly in awe of Spencer's ability to convey entire sentences with his glares. It was a talent that Jon did not posses, sadly. He had given up, though, for now. It seemed as if Spencer was unrelenting. He was still going to have that naked party, though.
"This isn't over, Smith! The naked party shall go on!" Spencer just looked at Jon like he was a sad puppy. It almost made Jon forget all about the Naked party and go get Spencer a giant cup of chocolate ice cream, but this was not the time for frozen treats; it was a time for planning and war.