The One Where Arthur is Terrified of Mice and Merlin Laughs Gratuitously.

Apr 23, 2009 21:07

Title: The One Where Arthur Is Terrified of Mice and Merlin Laughs Gratuitously
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: none, but if you squint, and wish and hope I suppose you might see some Arthur/ Merlin? If you're delusional.
Rating: Uhm...Pg-Pg-13.  Two mentions of sexual favors, but other than that it's clean.
Words: 283
Warnings/Spoilers:  No spoilers, pure crack
Summery:  See title.
Notes: This is mostly me being silly and bored in Fabric Arts, so beware.

Merlin was sleeping. Gorgeous, welcoming sleep.  And then he wasn’t.
“Merlin!” The warlock groaned, turning over and ignoring Arthur.
“Merlin, wake up, I require your assistance.”
Merlin growled and mumbled something along the lines of
“I’ve told you: no sexual favors before nine.” He missed the crown prince’s blush (not that crown princes blush, certainly not the crown prince of Camelot.)
“It’s not that, you girl, there’s - I need you to kill something for me.”
“Go get one of your strong, dashingly handsome knights to do it.”
“I need your specific brand of expertise.”
“Didn’t I just say about sexual favors…?”
“Just get up or I’ll have you in the stocks for a month.”  Merlin weighed the options - sleep and stocks or some potentially horrible beast in Arthur’s room.  Unfortunately, Merlin decided against sleep and stocks and chose the beast, he noted that it probably wouldn’t end up his best choice of the day.  Or ever.

Upon entering Arthur’s room, Merlin burst into quiet laughter, missing Arthur’s second blush that night (this time, it was an angry blush, though - much manlier.)
“A mouse?  Really?  You’re scared of a mouse?” Merlin managed through peals of laughter.
“Just kill it, will you?”
“You’ve fought mystical creatures and won, and you can’t handle a tiny rodent?” It wasn’t long before Merlin was on the floor in laughter.
“Just kill it and go back to your room and never mention this ever again.” Arthur hissed.  Merlin composed himself enough to coax the little thing into his hand.
“I’m keeping him, his name’ll be Arthur.” And with that, Merlin left the prince’s room, still snorting with laughter, and returned to wonderful, glorious sleep.

“Oh, bloody hell!”

other: mice, other: crack, pairing: merlin/arthur, character: merlin, other: boredom

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