Happy nooyearz everbuddy!

Jan 05, 2009 12:31

And what a great image to get things started with: I just love this picture of Sasha arriving in DC. Obviously thinking What. Teh. Fukk!

And hey, if things already seem to be moving fast this year, just think … this time last year the huge seachange of the Iowa caucuses was already 2 days old, and the NH surprise was 3 days away.

Meanwhile, despite Obama’s temporary Blago & Richardson headaches, at least he’s not, y’know, a Republican. Said a curiously nameless GOP consultant about the brutal 6-way race for RNC chairman:
“Some people are pissed off at Grover. Some people are pissed off at the Conservative Steering Committee. Some people are pissed off at Mike Duncan. Some people are pissed off at social conservatives. The social conservatives are pissed at leaders in Congress. Everyone is basically pissed.”

More anonymous RNC carping:
“I think almost nobody knows anything about what they’re going to vote on. I think they threw this thing together and they’re making it up on the fly.”

It’ll be hard for Dems to outdo this level of disarray. =) And Lord knows they'll probably try. :-p
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