May 24, 2009 22:08
It's finally over. After Ten exams I just crashed in a heap this weekend. None of them were too horrible, but 3 weeks with nothing but stress lurking over your back is never fun.
Friday night we had a BBQ in the Hollyrood Park as part of CompSoc's end of year celebrations. As only Australian present I was duly appointed head BBQer complete with over the top slang and accent. The little Tesco value BBQ's in tray were OK, but I don't think they were quite designed for cooking for 30 people. Real BBQs next time please. Other highlights included out door sports (10 person Human Pyramid and barrel rolling down the grassy slopes) as well as the strange French backpacker who turned up and asked if he could join us (complete with Bugle and home made schnapps. He played "Auld Lang Syne" for us as he left). Since the days are getting a lot longer it was still kind of light at 10pm, so we didn't end up leaving until almost 11pm. I made it back to the dorm and almost collapsed in bed - but was reminded that I'd promised to turn up to Bedlam's End of Year too. Quick shower and change of clothes (soot, smoke and ash!) and went and joined them for a bit of music and chat until 2pm.
Saturday I was supposed to be heading to Sterling Castle with a friend from Melbourne, but unfortunately she slept through her alarm... twice... So by the time she made it here, it was almost 2pm. Instead we walked up to the Royal Mile, visited the Scottish Museum, went for Dinner and then went to The Real Mary King Close. We decided that it was much better value than the Edinburgh Dungeon - while not as dramatic, it makes up with actual history. On the way back home we dropped in for Hot Chocolate and cake at Starbucks and then I crashed in bed.
Today's been rather quiet. Started sorting out paperwork and bags, spent a few hours on the phone to the folks fixing the router at home (somehow they appear to have completely fried the old one) and then joined some of the CompSoc guys for a bit of Team Fortress 2. Man, that game is a lot of fun. I'm quite fond of the Heavy - I've already managed to top my younger brother's score using him. *Bwahahaha*
Tomorrow it's off to start packing teh Suitcase and try and find some bathroom scales. Can only take 20KG on the plane and have picked up quite a few extras while I'm here. :D