The Final Countdown~

May 10, 2009 19:11

Apologies for the long silence over the last couple of weeks, but I'm smack bang in the middle of exam season (A horrible combination of Study, Sleep, Procrastinate, Panic, Revise, Exam). Thankfully almost halfway through them already (Also, ten exams is just cruelty to poor dumb students like me!). We shall preserver!

So, May 2009 already. Eight months in the Scotland and the United Kingdom. Less than one month until I head back home to Australia. I even know the date and time that I fly out, so you can wave as I fly out from Heathrow (Evening of Wed 3rd June). I must say, the Scottish experience has been interesting. In my time here I've:
  • Completed a full year of my course
  • Learnt new words (Such as NED, Chav, Naff, Pish, Sederunt, PubPubPubPub, Ban Balloon, Convict)
  • Eaten new food (Including Haggis. At least 3 times!)
  • Drunk new beverages (I'm going to sorely miss the Irn Bru)
  • Seriously ruined the reputation of Australian's as beer swillers
  • Become a System Administrator for the student run computing service
  • Worked out how to use the pound correctly
  • Climbed Arthur's Seat in the middle of a winter night, without a torch just to 'see the stars'
  • Toured the east coast by train (Durham, York, Nottingham, London)
  • Been caught in a hotel fire
  • Cooked my own meals for a full month
  • Been rather sick a couple of times (nothing to do with my cooking, thankfully!)
  • Managed my personal affairs for almost a year
  • Grown quite an out of control "fro".
  • Precariously rigged lights in the loft of Bedlam Theatre
  • Been in the winning team for this years System Design Project Robot Soccer Football cup
  • Almost managed to stop calling Football Soccer
  • Visited Bletchley Park (the home of WW2 cryptography and arguably one of the cornerstones in computing history)
  • Become a member of the British Museum
  • Almost worked out how to understand the Scottish accent in a Pub
  • Met a whole bunch of interesting people and made quite a few new friends
It's going to be quite sad when I get on that plane. Soon I'm going to have to start thinking about how on earth I'm going to pack up all the stuff I've collected here, take my final look around Edinburgh (still have to go to the Camera Obscura or Mum will never forgive me!), pick up a few souvenirs and then head back home. Sad to think that I'm almost down to "tourist" territory now. *sigh* Where did all those days go!

Hopefully you should hear a bit more from me in a little over a week once exams are out of the way. Freedom!

scotland, travel, musing

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