Its time to bring some new life to my friends page, and perhaps your own (hopefully). I've never done this before, but I know people who have and will agree that it worked successfully. So, here's my friending meme.
Please copy/paste/fill out the following form in a comment if you'd like some new friends. If you see someone who you think you'd
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Name: aynsley allysa
Age: fourteen
Journal type: mostly friends only, with occasional public entries.
A little about yourself: i'm obsessed with orange juice. music isn't my life but holds it together in times of need. i can be really shy, but once you get to know me i'm really outspoken and sometimes bitchy [only if i don't like you]. i'm single and i tend to just do my own thing because i'm never sure whether or not i actually like a guy. livejournal and myspace are everyday essentials. i love love love new friends :)
Loves: the new york yankees, my dogs, my computer, my best friend [even though it's never one person], basically just the people in my life, ballet, photography, sleep, rain, the dumb faces that she makes, her cell phone and camera, makeup, burt's bees lip balm, music.
Hates: retainers, dumb people, homework, running, coconuts, dumb ex-boyfriends, teachers who think they know more than you do ;), knives, liars, the boston red sox.
What your journal is about (randomness, personal stuff, memes, etc): whatever is going on in my life.
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