It seems that no one else really posts in here anymore. I guess that's less pressure to say something profound, because if people are not posting then they are probably not reading either.
That there is a painting that I finished recently. It took me about three days and an insane amount of green paint.
I think I've begun to just accept that my life will never just flat line and it will probably always be a roller coaster. I may or may not have a place to live at the end of April. That all really depends on my employment status. You'd be surprised how hard it is to get a job when your name is always just background noise. It's frustrating and it's making me feel like crap and completely stressing me out. But that's how it goes. If it wasn't that it would definitely be something else.
Lately I have been going to bed super early and getting up super early. That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't wake up four to six times a night. I sleep a little better when Gavin is here. It just helps having him closer and I don't get up as much because I don't want to wake him up. So he just helps.
I went out this weekend and went to a lot of crazy abandoned buildings. Photos for you: