The new Tags component was a little too long for me with each tag on a new line. Instead, I wanted a comma-separated list; here's the code for it, if anyone else wants it. (Thanks to
kunzite1 for a bit of coding help) :)
# gameboyguy13 #
# component-help/1074950 #
# overrides: #
# print_tags(Page p) #
function print_tags(Page p) {
print_comp_header($*tags_text); #this is controlled by "Tags List Component Title" in the cust wizard; it can also be set by "set tags_text = "Tags";"
var TagDetail[] tags = $p->visible_tag_list();
var int tcount = 0;
foreach var TagDetail td ($tags) {
var string uses = get_plural_phrase($td.use_count, "text_tag_uses");
var string security = $td.visibility;
if($tcount < size($tags)) { print ", "; } #change the comma if you want to change the divider between tags
And after thinking a bit, I thought, hey, Expressive gets a tag cloud; I wonder if I can adapt that code to Component? I've tested it a fair amount, but let me know if something doesn't work right.
# gameboyguy13 #
# component-help/1074950 #
# Overrides: #
# print_tags(Page p) #
# code adapted from Expressive #
function print_tags(Page p) {
var bool opt_tag_limit = false; #Make this "true" to only display the first tag_limit tags.
var int tag_limit = 0;
var TagDetail[] total_tags = $p->visible_tag_list();
var int most_count = 1;
if (size($total_tags) < 1) { print_comp_footer(); return; }
var TagDetail[] tags;
var int tcount = 0;
foreach var TagDetail td ($total_tags) {
if (($opt_tag_limit and $tcount < $tag_limit) or not $opt_tag_limit) {
$tags[$tcount] = $td;
# First get the highest tag count there is
foreach var TagDetail td ($tags) {
if ($td.use_count > $most_count) {
$most_count = $td.use_count;
# Now print the tag cloud
foreach var TagDetail td ($tags) {
var string uses = get_plural_phrase($td.use_count, "text_tag_uses");
var string security = $td.visibility;
var int tagtextsize = 7;
if ($td.use_count > 1) {
$tagtextsize = ($td.use_count * 16) / $most_count + 7; # Text size, in pixels, of this tag -- min is 7px, max is 23px. It's possible to change the numbers to play with the sizes, if you want.
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