This is long and most of you wont read it but i just need to tell everyone how amazing the Lord is in my life.
The pass hour was by far the wrost hour of my life all started this morning at 7am when Justin woke up with a fever of 101.1, so i kept him home from school and gave him childrens motrin. he was fine a broke the fever so he was watching TV so i just went back to sleep. at 10am i felt him come into my bed(he always dose), so i just rubed his back and both of us feel back asleep. at 1:30pm i woke up and he was still asleep, so i just left him a carried on with my day around the house. at 3pm i went to cheak up on him and he had little dryed tears down his face, i woke him up and gave him more motrin and water. then at 4pm he still wasnt awake so i went to go cheak up on him and take his was 104.4 HOLY FREAKING COW, i fliped out. if you havent rasied kids you wouldnt know but when a 4 year old has a temperture of 104.4 it's deadly. i called the doctor,put justin in a cold bath, still flipping out, he was crying, i was so afaid, but i was brave, the doctor wanted me to get to him right away. so, i called me mom and she came from downtown at the hospital(where she works) to take us, by the time we got there the fever was 105.2. i dont think i've ever spent an hour straight praying and then thanking the Lord so much in my life. the doctor said that the way his fever was climbing, if i wouldnt waited just an hour more, Justin could have been put in ICU for who knows how long. thank you lord
i never loved before him.
because i've never been loved before him.
oh the faces!
the perfect team.
thank you lord for all the gifts you've givin me.