Apr 07, 2004 23:34
Well, today was a long long day. Woke up early and went to look for work..yay. Then went out with my friends Chris and Belle, and had lunch. Afterwards I went home and thought I might be able to relax.....wrong. Instead, I get a phone call that puts blame on me for something that wasn't even done...possibly a big misunderstanding...but still frustrating. Then, my mother needs me to rush her to the bank because she was sent a little money for Easter...and decides she just HAS to get me an easter present...i could have used to cash but she never wants to give me the money...even if I really need it...gah! Anyhow it was nice of her, so she wanted to go to Best Buy and get me a dvd. Bills would be better, but a new movie wouldn't hurt for some stress relief either. Well lucky me, they had a deal where I got both Matrix Revolutions AND the original Matrix for $25. YAY! Well after that we went grocery shopping which took forever, and came home. More phone calls, more anger, more misunderstandings, possible game playing..drama...etc. I did get one nice call from an old friend who was worried about me though...that was a nice surprise. ;) After that, I fixed tri-tip and b.s'd with my buddy Joe until just a little while ago. I'm tired..I hurt...and my throat will never forgive me for the punishment it's had in the last week. I think I'll go to bed and watch Revolutions and yell at the t.v somemore near the end of the movie. Blah, I can't wait for all this drama to go away.