Jul 14, 2003 00:28
It's now 12:30am Monday morning, and I'm sitting here being bored. I'm not sure exactly what to write in my journal. Danielle and I rallied the troops and had a nice dinner get together at Carrows today. It was really nice to be able to get together with everyone and joke about our lives, and see people that I don't see very often. Afterwords I went over to Bobby's house and taught him how to do things on the computer that I will never admit to in a court of law...heh =x I have to be up in the morning to go beg the state to give me free money for school, I don't really want to go, but I really really really want their money...hehehe
"Life will never be the same again" I've heard this statement many times in my life, and there are moments that that statement would be very very true because it never has been the same. In some ways I guess I mourn the passing of ages in my life, and was very sad to see certain ones go. However, for each age that has passed and taken with it something I held dear, something or someone else has come along to take its place. Also, with each and every lost or gained experience in my life, I have grown. It puts the perspective of my life into a bit of a quandary for me personally, because as I mourn the loss of one thing, I praise and rejoice at the gained knowledge, experience, or person that my evolution has brought upon me. Perhaps I'm crazy for even thinking about these aspects of life, or maybe I'm just now realizing something that I should have seen much earlier in my life. I know that I tell people all the time, that they grow from their experiences in life and learn with each day that passes, AND that everything in life happens for a reason. I just don't think that it's true meaning really hit me until just recently in my own life. Will I be happy with my new life, will I find that love that I know exists but has slipped through my trembling fingers a number of times, or have I already met her and just have not had the chance to see her or have her see me for what we really are, and will everything I've learned from birth till now or even a year from now pay off in the end.............perhaps. I do know however, that even when life is hard, and even when things seem to be stacked against me in piles so high that it seems I shall never reach the top, I am grateful for having the chance to climb that mountain, and thank the goddess that I am alive and continue to live, to struggle yet another day. :)