tumblr and stuff

May 10, 2011 18:59

I am such a ridiculous lurker. I’d apparently rather just read what everyone else has to say about stuff that talk about it myself. I think it’s because I never want to say something stupid and embarrass myself, because there’s always going to be a record of it. /o\ I do actually want to talk about stuff, I’m just awkward about it.

So anyway! Fandom-wise, it all about Glee, pretty much. Though, I still read fic in a whole bunch of other fandoms like The Social Network, Inception, Merlin, and Harry Potter. With Glee though, I’m totally invested in the cast and spoilers and pictures and all that.

So much of fandom had moved to tumblr! It kind of makes me sad because it’s so difficult to use for things other than pictures. People have started to post fic there and it’s just so not suited to that. :( Though, I kind of like the like button thing. If LJ had that then it would make it so much easier for the socially awkward like me to at least tell an author I liked their fic. Commenting is hard. /o\ But yeah, I got a tumblr. Though, I hate reading anything on the dash, so it’s kind of pointless for me. I’ve just been using Google Reader and reading the feeds and it’s so much better. I thought that when you chose a tumblr theme you’d get to read your tumblr followers in your theme, but apparently not. Weird. I'm am excited to make a tumblr theme though! So many options! *______*

So yeah, sorry I’ve been absent for five months!

i am a fannish person, thoughts on stuff

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