(no subject)

Apr 12, 2010 02:24

I was going to tl;dr about crappy rl stuff but nothing came out right. So instead, I'm focusing on the positives.

  • When I feel depressed it makes me pull away from people and communication, but something that does make me feel so much better is just getting to read about other people living their lives and experiencing fandom. So I just want to thank you all for existing, really. ♥
  • I was a bit panicky about drifting from Bandom and not finding anything else immediately, but I've been having a really nice time recently, reading in a few different fandoms. It's making me excited, just thinking about what could be out there to discover next. ;)
  • The winter games kink meme is a font of awesomeness and hilarity.
  • I got a really cute haircut on Saturday that I absolutely love. It really probably doesn't, but my hair seems to grow at an alarming rate or something, and having it long (anything below the shoulders) can be hard to manage, as it's think and curly. So yeah, I got quite a few inches off and it feels awesome and light.
  • I'm working with CSS again! I haven't finished a new layout or anything, but I'm just so glad that I've felt like playing around with it lately. I'm so not a creative person, I have no particular affinity with writing or drawing, and I'm not hugely imaginative, but I feel like CSS is a way I can be creative. It makes me genuinely excited.
  • I've just marathoned all the available eps of s7 US Project Runway (& the model side-show)! I love it! Anyone else watching?
  • To finish, some recs!
    • You Wanna Be On Top? by Anon [Skating RPF]
      Gen-ish? Not really main pairing oriented | PG? | 3,156 words
      Summary: Prompt: I was reading old Aunt Joyce posts the other day and I ran across this: "Drew is known in the skating world as having a 'golden penis' as he always has a way of finding guys to date who become National Champions"

      So now I totally want fic about all the US skaters (guys, girls, everyone) trying to get in Meekins' pants in hopes that his dick will magically grant them success at Nationals. More comedy than porn, where people are constantly trying to surprise!seduce him and he's like "come on, that only happened, like, twice >:("
      This is really funny. The cameos are great and it's a fun read.
    • The Road Not Taken by hackthis [Generation Kill]
      Nate Fick/Brad Colbert | NC-17 | 25,054 words
      Summary: - - -
      College!AU. Though, I really love how hackthis works in the Marine connection. She does this a lot and I find it really interesting how she fits it into different stories. I like how the characters are portrayed, they're definitely recognisable and work well for me. The story has really great tension, it's engaging and I found it very enjoyable to read. In fact, I always enjoy reading hackthis's fic, in all different fandoms.

Oh actually, not quite finished. Does anyone have any icon recs? I love stock, but I also want some Gen Kill icons. And it's fun to find new iconers, even if we don't share fandoms.

rec: fic, rec: fic: skating, i am a fannish person, rec, rec: fic: genkill

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