Oct 26, 2003 15:52
My goodness. I finally got over taking about ten million tests, and I finally have time to do stuff but of course no one has time for me. Everyone else has someone or something more important to do. Halloween might be okay but i have to go to work after band practice then go to the pep rally at 10 then after that i can do something but i have to get up the next morning and be out at the band practice field for 7:30 in the morning. Why is it that every year my favorite holiday sucks. Boo hoo to me. I might get to go out on halloween. Well then theres the voodoo fest thing. I was supposed to go on sunday and now am not. My roommate and another friend of ours was going to go. They were going to go two days i was only going to go to one because of the football game stuff. Then they backout. How nice. Well i guess there will be another concert. It just makes me made because i freaking cleared my schedule for that day and everything for nothing. Well thats life. I guess i will just save the money. Alright enough of my complaining. I have to finish this paper im writing on a Steve Madden ad. I really need to change the style of my journal it sucks massively. Its so boring.