All is going much well. I got paid yesterday and didn't expect to even get 300 bucks, but to my most happy suprise, after taxes and my stock was taken out, I walked out with 325.00!!! woohooo!!! So you know I had to celebrate by buying my self a lil sometin sometin...
After getting my check i picked up a few things at the walmart. (lotion and pics). Then we went to the granite run. Hade lunch at Ruby Teusdays. After here those burger comercials you'd expect like WOW they all sounded dum. So I got some really delicious pasta and chicken alfredo with melted swiss on top. Only down side the waitress spilled her drink on me..oh wel shit happens...Then we went to:
- Spencer- I got nothing...too expensive.
- Hot topic- I got earings (4, in a size 4g, for 14 bucks...a steal!), "Employee of the month pin (which I did wear at work), and a patch (it has a heart and says "I have a heart on")!
- The as seen on TV store- I GOT MY BETTY CROCKER BAKE AND FILL!!!! oh yea, and it was on sale!
- D.E.B.- My shoes...ok the story is...I went out shopping with jenni like two weeks ago, and I saw these cute shoes (you would never believe I like them) and I was like no...I can't I don't have 25 buks to spend on shoes I prolly won't wear...Well anywho I didn't get them and I kept thinking..should have gotten them..they'd look good with this...So when we went the other day I looked and didn't see the shoes on heart sank..for no reason at all the idea popped into my head to ask the chick behind the register if there was maybe a pair or two in the back. Turns out she just took the display down, they had them, and they had my size...Fucking right! So I bought 'em! Now i want to wear 'em, bad...i'll get to that later.
And that was my shopping trip. I had to go to work that night. I did and it sucked. I was so tempted to just quit..I literally hated walmart and wanted to just cry. Anyhow, i sucked it up and finished the night. Caught a ride with Vic to adriannes. There we met up with Adrianne, Steph and My Gatto. We hung out for a bit on her porch. Matt and Joe showed up but they didn't go to denny's with us which is what we did after the whole drink and be stupid part of the evening was up...Denny's was interesting considering everyone was a bit tipsy. I had french fries and breakfast, but I got full half way through. Then we came home and went to bed.
And that about brings you up to speed with my life. Tonight is a stupid friday and I'm bored. Maybe Kat will wanna do something..I wanna dress up and go out and do something. No plans for tomorrow's eve either. Maybe Me and Kat can do a date kinda thing..I could wear my new shoes...Gosh i want to sooo bad.
well as always, call if you want to hang know the cell #...
I work sat night 6-11 and i'm busy ALL day Sunday. Monday I have off but i got to go to grammy's for something. Furthermore Monday I wish to go craft store shoppping...feeling crafty.
ok now i'm be happy.