
Aug 06, 2010 20:10

I realllly am feeling the call to go dancing tomorrow night. But the responsible adult in me says that I need to get some gooood sleep this weekend. I still don't feel like I've recovered from last week and the crazy 7 days on at work, period, and out late a lot. I have 6 days on this coming week... sigh. and I work Sat/Sun for the next 2 weekends after this one. Wahhh. End of August it is I suppose.

I miss Kat something terrible. She seems a little distant this week. Even when I dropped off a coffee and a rose to her work tonight. I dunno. We shall see.

Kate, on the other hand, I've spent more time with this week and she offered to make me dinner tomorrow after work. god how I love spending time with this woman. Even when we go on wild goose chases in BFE rio rancho lol.

I actually had free slots in my schedule today at work. It's become so uncommon that I wasn't sure what to do with myself and it reallly threw me off.

I watched Whip It tonight, finally! It's been in my netflix Q since March listed as "long wait". I shall have to buy it. C'mon! Drew Berrymore and Ellen Page in a movie about fucking roller derby! Hot chics everywhere, and something about women on skates mmmmmmmm dear god. I reallly need to go see the derby here sometime. And go to adult night at the skating rink..

Enough rambling. Bed time for me. Work tomorrow then 2 days off.

kate, kat, dating, women

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