Mar 13, 2005 20:07
If I had to describe my weekend in two words it would be KICK ASS! Thanks again Van Beckum family for inviting me, it was a good time! To start things up the ride there was fun--four girls, an ipod and party pretzels! Then we arrive and open the door to our fantabulous room and gaze at the hot tubs we later jumped in and played a fun game of 'never have I ever'...I of course was still standing (along with gena) in the end. Gosh darn those goody-2-shoes!
Friday night everyone got a little rowdy, it was entertaining to say the least! Saturday morning, after a hearty breakfast, we headed out to the slopes. Gena and I stayed on the easy ones avoiding getting hurt before spring break:) Midway through the day we went back and hung out in our room. For dinner we were escorted by humongo horses to the homestead lodge where they served us yummy pork and lots of delicious specialties. Ralda was hilarious, singing and cracking jokes with us!
We made sure we were back in our room in time to watch the girls bball team KICK MAJOR BOOOOOOTY! During/After the game there was some definite celebrations! First of all we had a teenager versus adult game of flip cup. Yeah I definitely played a drinking game WITH MY MOM! Crazy shit!! Never thought that would happen this weekend. I beat her 5 out of 6 times, who's got the power now momma!? lol. Then we took the party up to the room and played a game of scattegories, circle of death, whatever its called! After that I was done--I called it a night!
This morning we packed it up and Gena, Sara and I hung out in the lodge while D, Anna, Jesse and Shawn went skiing/snowboarding. I was too tired to go out again, so I just read magazines with the girls. Caryn, Paris and Brittany had to head back to school so they visited for a little bit and headed out. Those girls are a lot of fun, always cracking jokes and smiling!
So overall I had lots of fun with my friends and even My mother and sister Shelly. We drank some, skied some, and all the while we had a blast! I wish I could make my weekends sound more exciting in my explanations, but this will have to do. I'm sure you'll hear me talking about it soon enough anyways!
Peace out!