I liked this one
Lied? Yes
Smoked?: Yes
Gotten Drunk?: Yes
Stole?: Yes
Been on a plane?: Yes
Been on a boat?: Yes
Been in a porn?: Not yet
Had sex?: Not yet
Been in love?: Not yet
Kissed someone (not in your family)?: Yes
Held hands?: Yes
Been on a date?: Yes
Been to the beach?: Yes
Picked your nose?: Yes
Farted in public?: Yes
Burped in public?: Yes
Done drugs?: Yes
Gotten grounded?: Yes
Ditched a class?: Yes
Have detention?: Yes
Been to Disneyland?: Not yet
Been on a rollercoaster?: Yes
Downloaded Music?: Yes
Burned a CD?: Yes
Been to the hospital?: Yes
Seen Rocky Horror Picture Show?: Yes
Played with Barbies?: Yes
Swam with Sharks?: Not yet
Met anyone Famous?: Yes
Gone to a rave?: Not yet
Followed a trend?: Yes
Cheated on a test?: Yes
Worn make-up?: Yes
Worn girl pants?: Yes
Eaten anything weird?: Yes
Watched the OC?: Yes
Been to the OC?: Not yet
Been to Florida?: Not yet
Been to Hawaii?: Not yet
Been to NYC?: Yes
Driven a car?: Yes
Rich: asshole
Glass: dildo
Tight: vagina
Music: download
Wooden: dildo
Dirty: vagina
Sweaty: vagina
Neon: vagina
Water: glass
Turn: up
Light: er
Satan: devil
Cows: cowboy