(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 12:52


✧NAME: Kai
✧LJ USERNAME:ninjasnisninja
✧CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): AIM: Totallywitchin
✧CURRENT MUSE LIST: None at Il.P, but I've played Dante in a couple of places.


✧NAME: Dante
✧SERIES: Devil May Cry
✧HISTORY: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dante_%28Devil_May_Cry%29
✧TIMELINE: End of DMC 4. (Note, I include the Anime, though it is debatable if that occurs before or after DMC4 )

✧PERSONALITY: Dante is simply an attitude on two legs wearing a coat. At least, that’s what first comes from the man. He has the ability to stay calm in any situation (as for how anyone can stay calm while staring down demons that want to dine on their blood, who knows). He is known to throw about quips and barbs like they were darts at a dartboard. He easily and uncaringly mouths off to anyone and everyone, no matter how powerful they may or may not be.

Even though he can sometimes seem uncaring and cold, he actually deeply cares about matters such as friends and family. He cares deeply for his mother and even his brother (even though his brother his a walking douche bag, he still tried to save him from falling into the Demon World). He also can be counted on to do what’s best, even if he makes fun of the situation or the action itself. He can also be counted on to take the honorable road in a fight.

Dante doesn’t seem to like his half demon side, though if there was a demon that was doing good he readily accepts the fact they are doing so and believes they deserve a second chance. He also believes in helping people that are worse off than he is (though, technically with the so called debt he had collected, that wasn’t really many people). If someone didn’t have the money to pay for his services, he would simply do it for free ( if it was a job that he wanted to do. Dante would refuse many jobs if he simply didn’t like what was going on, unless it involved the paranormal).

His good nature often leaves him in debt, as people would charge him for the collateral damage that he causes when on an assignment. Usually, to pay this debt back he would “borrow” money from Lady, and then attempt (poorly) to pay the money back through gambling. Sadly, as suave as Dante can be, Lady Luck is simply never on his side.
On top of all of that, Dante has a childish love of pizza and strawberry sundaes (as show in the anime). In most cases, he is seen only eating pizza and nothing else. He also has a habit of getting wasted to the point that he has mentioned that during one incident he tried proposing to a mop ( it was a sexy mop, honest ).

✧ABILITIES/POWERS: Dante is a half demon, as such he as various powers usually at his disposal. Dante has far above average speed and strength, as seen in his ability to swing large objects (such as a motorcycle) and run up walls. He also has a demon form (demon trigger) that increases all of his abilities, as well as allowing him limited flight. On top of all of this, he’s a shit talking, pizza eating badass. Personally, I think that’s the best power of them all.

✧TIME OF ARRIVAL: Night. Most of Dante’s work takes place then, so it’s only natural.

The following two are optional, and made for some fun as well as future events.

✧MASK DESIGN: http://www.mardigrascostumes.com/bestred.jpg

✧PLACE OF SOLACE: Well, of course it’s going to be “Devil May Cry”. Though, Dante says that there’s not much solace going on.


✧FIRST PERSON: I’d say welcome to my humble abode, but it’s not exactly humble or an abode.

[ The devil hunter kicks his feet up onto his desk, offering everyone a rather large smirk]
Couldn’t call it much of a business either, now that I think of it. So let’s just call it Devil May Cry. Doubt that I’ll be getting any business considering how things work here, but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to throw it out there.

[ He’s leaning back now to the point that he’s dangerously close to falling backwards. Of course, he doesn’t.]
Devil May Cry, got odd jobs, I guess I’ll do them.

[ He doesn’t seem too happy about that, but really idle hands are the devil’s playground, and Dante gets bored pretty easily.]

Actually. The odder the better, now that I think about it.

✧THIRD PERSON: Dante wasn’t a man of many words, he was a man of too many words. He was always known as a talker, a man who spewed nonsense at the most inopportune times. But, Dante liked to think that was part of his charm. Of course, everyone else would disagree, but when had that ever stopped the man in the red trench coat?

“Nice place. But, I don’t think I’ll be staying.”

Dante wasn’t sure where he was, but that wasn’t anything unusual for the demon hunter. Hell, he couldn’t count the number of times he had been thrown into a situation that he was utterly clueless about. Most people would say, “You should have a plan, Dante.” But, it just wasn’t his way, it was his style. He was a man of action, a man of instinct and he was a damn fine looking one on top of that.

“Besides, covering up my face like this? It’s a disservice to everyone around.” He was talking to nobody in particular, though there was a method behind his madness. Experience told him that when you thought you were alone in a possible kidnapping situation, there was always someone watching you. And if there wasn’t., sometimes you just had to keep yourself amused until you could figure out what was really going on.

It would be easy to go dashing through the city, looking for an exit or even someone who could tell you which way was up, but it simply wasn’t Dante’s modus operandi. He was simply going to take a stroll around the city, there was nothing pressing to get him to slip out of his lazy walk. There were no demons breathing down his neck, nor was there anything else trying to make a name for themselves by offing the Son of Sparda.

Bringing a hand to his mouth, Dante let out a short yawn before glancing up the road a bit. “Seems like a little bit of jawing isn’t going to get your attention. Guess I’ll have to actually do some work.”

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