May 30, 2008 17:54
You know what I hate?
Not being able to get internet
During class, especially a boring class
Thus I get to write this in a word document and paste it in later
Yesterday I went to the icon.
Bsquad night should be there.
AMAXING Sundaes!!
Crew girls dressed up and we took awesome pictures
Yeah, look at my facebook. I’m hawt.
(Savage’s camera can make anyone look good.)
My roommates are packing up their belongings
James dean is no longer on my wall
And the room is becoming very bare.
I am going to have pack soon to.
I just spent a lot of time reviewing pictures from this year
I don’t look so different, just slightly older.
And more white than the fall where I was tan.
I had a lot of good times this year
Bubble tea ventures,
marshill college group,
stealing pinkie,
having Elizabeth over to go to the symphony
hanging out with the roommates and random conversations
getting savvy a jack sparrow cut out
value villaging
watching movies lots and lots and tv on dvd
sleven runs with Ian or anyone
trying to go to bed early and it never happening
random dance parties with david
mooching food off of everyone
Samantha who, pushing daisies and tv watching parties with Cynthia
Crew breakfast parties
Photo shoots
Gelato ventures
Random car trips when I got a car
Prayer group with B.B.M.M.M.E. &me
Seeing people at 4:30 when I was getting up and they were going to bed
Popping in on ruthie or sarah lee whenever.
Dumpster diving the trashshoot pink flamingos, flipflops, bubbles, a ring and other stuffs.
P.S. I told that blue eyed boy, “I’d say we should hang out, but I know it wont happen.”
So there. heres to abrasive brashness.