Oct 25, 2010 15:45
Tseng cursed softly as he trotted down the stairs. He had a vague memory of hearing that Rufus had been down here for the last day or two, but all he really recalled of the last couple of days was sitting on the couch eating popcorn, watching TV with his head in Reeve's lap, or sleeping. He had searched the rest of the house when he realized Rufus hadn't slept in his bed last night, and this was the only place left to look that didn't involve calling a helicopter.
He never acted that way, and in a sense he felt more violated by this virus than he had in a long time. Tseng was a doer, a proud workaholic, and to have spent an entire weekend neglecting his job to the extent that he wouldn't even stir a finger when it was possible his President was in trouble... it was anathema to him.
He felt around for the light switch as he reached the bottom of the stairs, resisting the urge to draw his gun.
"Sir?" he called softly. "Rufus? Are you down here?"
virus aftermath,