The impossible has happened: I found good Hitsugaya fanfiction. And by good I mean not bad, and by not bad I mean go read.
Also, it is all het as I cannot find good Bleach slash-fic. Alas.
Late Author: Taegan
Summary: Hitsugaya has an appointment to keep, and it seems something is conspiring to keep him from being there.
My Notes: This fic is short and sweet and gen. :) Unlike the author's other fics (OF COURSE I had to go read everything, why do you ask?) this piece keeps a good flow going, fluctuating well between characterization and action. What I enjoyed most was the fact that, yes, there was actual action (fist fights! blood!) and school-boy!Hitsugaya kept his Captain-demeanor. Overall, the characterization of Hitsugaya was done wonderfully, and I demand you all go read it. Because we could all use some more schoolboy fics out there!
Frozen Sky Author: Jedi Boadicea
Summary: Hitsugaya Toushiro is called a genius, the youngest Captain in Soul Society. What path did he walk to claim that title?
My Notes: Hello, serious fic. Very tightly crafted, good beginning and ending (also, the transition to the second part was tied in very well). I love how the author explores the aspects of Hitsugaya, his relationships not only with other people but with Hyourinmaru. Great speculation and great usage of the small details in the manga (hey, anyone who can remember those little details gets props from me!). Overall, well-written and beautifully done. Read it, that's all I'm sayin.
Incentive Author:
hiasobi Summary: She lived for him once. Byakuya/Rukia
My Notes: Okay, so it's not Hitsugaya-fic. Sue me. BUT it is a wonderful portrayal of the relationship between Byakuya and Rukia. I love the bittersweet feeling. The ending could have been stronger, I think, without the parenthesis (as while they DID work in the other places, I thought it took away from the strong-voice at the end). Overall, I adore the style in which this was done and loved how everything felt so bitter and jealous and regretful. Like Byakuya knows it is his fault, but doesn't want to admit it. Love!
Now, flist who loves Bleach (and those of you who DON'T please tell me why???) go spend some time on the fics, leave feedback (shush, I know I didn't because I had to leave but this post is just in case I don't get around to it--leave some feedback for me, will ya?) and enjoy some good fic with a nice cup of tea. *grin*
Really, finding good fic makes MY day how 'bout yours?
(Also, if anyone finds good Bleach yaoi fic, please point it my way as I have yet to discover anything that catches my eye.)