Sep 11, 2004 11:45
Somtimes I think people entirely miss the point of things I'm trying to say. I'm not even good at subltity so one would think that they would catch on, but no..:-/
Oh well. I'm in a pissy mood because my mother just gave me(for the 100th time) the "your brother's scholarship ran out and we have to pay tution for the semester so stop asking me for money" speech. I swear she's memorized the amount just so she can bring it out whenever she wants a reason to miserableize me.( i just made that word up). I mean, yeah okaY I have a job but I havn't gotten paid yet and there is a total of 36 dollars in my bank account. What'dya want me to do!?
God i hate being poor. I am marrying a rich, wealthy man and reaping in the benefits. that's it! I mean, sure i won't marry him JUST for the money, i'll make sure he's nice and all that first. Call me a gold-digger, go ahead. I don't care, I'm sick of not having money.
I gave myself one of those salt-ice burns last night and it itches. what the hell.
in case anyone's interested: put a little heap of salt on DRY skin, take a fresh ice cube and press down HARD. You'll feel a tingling sensation and then Boom. Now, when you take away the ice cube your skin is gonna like really weird and wrinkled and it'll feel..tight, like its over stretched. That goes away in about 5 minutes and leaves the burn.
mazel mazel, good times.
somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked a girlfriend i had in febuary of last year....