I am so geekd out.

Sep 06, 2004 13:17

n0Tjust LiKEU: thats how it is waiting for book 6!!
n0Tjust LiKEU: i dont even kno a time frame of when thats comming out
n0Tjust LiKEU: hopefully sometime before i turn 17, i like being the same age as harry
Lady Meltintalle: all i know is the title, and its got everyone all in an uproar
n0Tjust LiKEU: yeha the half blood prince
n0Tjust LiKEU: and its not haryr or voldy
Lady Meltintalle: i think its Nevill
Lady Meltintalle: e
n0Tjust LiKEU: Ooo
n0Tjust LiKEU: but both his parents are wizard
n0Tjust LiKEU: but i can see how JK would make Nevill a bigger character...my duranged mind wants it to be malfoy becauyse i have an obsession with him, but lol hes not half bloooded either
Lady Meltintalle: oh god malfoy needs to die. if i was ron, or any of the weaslys i would pummel him into the ground and make sure he could never walk again
n0Tjust LiKEU: he is quite a git isn the
Lady Meltintalle: lol
Lady Meltintalle: im convinced at the end of all the books, its going to be ron against malfoy rather then malfoy against harry
n0Tjust LiKEU: why?
n0Tjust LiKEU: is harry going to die?
Lady Meltintalle: because harry has bigger things to worry about, and malfoy is just a pebble in his shoe, but ron on the other hand has nothing to worry about except malfoy.... so why not let him finish him off?
n0Tjust LiKEU: hmm
n0Tjust LiKEU: interesting point!
Lady Meltintalle: and then malfoy will blast ron away (which would really suck) and then harry would THEN have a bigger problem and murder malfoy. then i would be happy
Lady Meltintalle: because ron and harry are so luffers
n0Tjust LiKEU: they are not!1
n0Tjust LiKEU: ron and hermione
n0Tjust LiKEU: are getting together
Lady Meltintalle: oh plah
n0Tjust LiKEU: Oh come on!
n0Tjust LiKEU: its so obvious
n0Tjust LiKEU: they are always bickering
Lady Meltintalle: so what? ron couldnt disgrace his family by marrying a mudblood :-P
n0Tjust LiKEU: oh his family doesnt care about pureblood-ness!
Lady Meltintalle: the issue has never come up(as far as i have read that is)
n0Tjust LiKEU: ron's dad loves muggles!!
n0Tjust LiKEU: obviously uve picked up that
Lady Meltintalle: lol, true
n0Tjust LiKEU: adn malfoy says it abotu a 1000 times in the boosk how the weasleys are muggle lovers and just as bad as half blloods
n0Tjust LiKEU: or mudbloods
Lady Meltintalle: i hope malfoy dies, and im not kidding either, i would rather see him die then voldemort honestly
n0Tjust LiKEU: omg why!
n0Tjust LiKEU: i dont think malfoy is truley bad
Lady Meltintalle: hes such an asshole!
n0Tjust LiKEU: it hink its all an acct
n0Tjust LiKEU: cuz hes scared of his father
n0Tjust LiKEU: he IS an asshole
n0Tjust LiKEU: but there are certain moments
Lady Meltintalle: hes a bad seed, a mean and cruel little beast
n0Tjust LiKEU: when he and harry are alone that his cover comes off
Lady Meltintalle: well i have seen none of that
n0Tjust LiKEU: i think hes mean but not in the same league as voldy
n0Tjust LiKEU: i think wehn the time coems for him to be a death eater he'll chose the lighter side
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