2 entries in two days...

Apr 08, 2007 00:03

Whatever next!
Just to prove I have no time for work, I present my updated list of fanfiction... lines...trends... I follow:

Angel the Series: Angel/ Spike (every so often for notalgia)
BtVS: Willow/ Tara; Faith/ Tara; Cordelia/ Faith; Cordelia/ Kate (ditto)
Firefly/ Serenity: general and 'ship fiction only, no slash please! *cuddles best TV show of all time*
LOTR - movies: Viggo/Orlando (still my only RPS)
LOTR - books: Merry/ Pippen, Glorfindel/ Haldir (got no idea where that one came from, and Haldir does not look like Craig parker in a blond wig, bless'im)
Stargate SG-1: Jack/ Daniel (the OTP, nothing else is allowed!)
Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka/ Rodney McKay; Zelenka/ John Sheppard (my guilty secret... well it was); Zelenka/ Major Evan Lorne; Zelenka/ Dr Carson Beckett; Zelenka/ Ronon Dex; Zelenka/Sheppard/McKay; Zelenka/Sheppard/Beckett; Zelenka/McKay/Beckett. (yeah, pretty much, if it is slash and has Zelenka, I'll read it...)
The Fast & the Furious: Dom/ Brian (slashiest movie ever)
Chronicles of Riddick: Riddick/ Vako
Lost: Anything by Zelda_zee; Sawyer/ Sayid.
Heroes: Mohinder/ Peter Petrelli (thus far...)
Constantine: Constantine/ Balthazar
POTC: Norrinton/ Sparrow
Torchwood: Anything with Tosh (except Owen, icky!); Jack/Ianto
Dr Who: gen stuff for Nine or Ten/ Rose, but I grew up with old Dr Who, no kissing and decidedly NO sex for the Doctor!
The Mummy/ Mummy Returns: anything non-Mary Sue-ish and non-slash for Ardeth Bay. (Must get back to finish own story... my bad!)
King Arthur: Arthur/Lancelot; and most of the knights mixed!
Guede_Mazaka: anything except her Supernatural and RPS football stuff!
Ocean's 11 & 12: Danny/ Rusty
El Mariachi trilogy: El/ Sands
X-men: Wolverine/ Cyclops; Logan/ Scott
Star Trek: Voyager: Chakotay/ Tom Paris
Batman: Batman/Robin; Bruce/Dick (movieverse, so George Clooney (or Val Kilmer)/ Chris O'Donnell)

...yup, no wonder I never have enough time! That makes 22/23 fandoms depending on whther we seperate LOTR into two or not!
Fandoms where I read the fiction first and watched the canon afterwards: 4/5 (depends on whether or not we count SG-1, since I had watched 5 episodes then I lost it, then years later I read the fanfic, and then obsessed with the show!
Fandoms where the fanfiction is often better than the canon: 6!

fanfiction, meta

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