Undemocratic Democracy?

May 12, 2010 17:00

 I must say, dear friends, that i'm becoming more and more disillusioned with this once great island. That's right, ONCE great. There's nothing great about our tiny little island anymore!

We used to rule from one side of the world to the other: The sun never set on the British Empire. One of the smallest island nations in the world conquered and controlled the better part of half the world's land mass. Does anyone else think that's pretty spectacular, or just me? You just have to look at how many countries are still in the commonwealth (that's 54 by the way) to see how loved the British are. We once patrolled the seas and the land to protect the world from tyranny and violence. At the advent of the flying machine, we took to the skies to demolish oppression across the globe.

And now, we're the ones being oppressed. We're the ones enslaved to tyranny. And the vast majority of us accept it with waving flags and "patriotic" songs.

We've been sold a sham my friends. Representational Democracy (as our Political system is known) is exploited by those we're meant to trust, bypassed for their own personal gain.

It's not even Democracy from Christ's sake!

the governmental system in effect in Britain, America and all other "Democratic countries" has no real resemblance to Democracy at all. And yet we're all expected to lay down our lives to protect this thing known as Democracy!
Before i lay down my life for anything, i'm going to want to agree with it, see it in action and want to protect it's establishment. So how can any of us say we'd lay down our life for Democracy when Democracy isn't in practice in any country around the world?!

I'd be all for saving Democracy if Democracy needed saving, but the fact of the matter is that Democracy fell before America was ever colonised, with the decline of the Athenian city state.

Democracy is dead, and we're all being played for fools.
Stand up, and refuse to be quelled. Speak out and demand the change that's needed.

I'm not suggesting that we should move into True Democracy, because that isn't feasible for any nation above the size of a city state, but i refuse to be told that we're living in Democratic times and listening to Democratic leaders. The term leader is as un-democratic as you can get!

For those of you who are ready to jump down my throat, I suggest you research Platonic and Aristotelian writings on the subject. . .

"PATRIOTISM, n. 1) The inability to distinguish between the government and one's 'country'; 2) A highly praiseworthy virtue characterized by the desire to dominate and kill; 3) A feeling of exultation experienced when contemplating heaps of charred 'enemy' corpses; 4) The first, last, and perennial refuge of scoundrels."
-Chaz Bufe, The Devil's Dictionaries

disillusioned, democracy

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