Friending Meme

Dec 18, 2012 02:50

Hello Everyone! This is the Friending Meme for Community Slash. Here is a basic template for the sort of information you all might like to share about yourselves so you can find other people to make friends with!

What you enjoy doing in fandom:
What you like least in fandom:
Other Hobbies/Interests:
Other Fandoms:

Real name, age, and location are also options but for reasons of privacy are certainly not required for sharing purposes.

Edit: I forgot that some people might be unfamiliar with coding for LJ. These codes are bolded so that they stay codes in this post instead of actually being coded into it; when you copy paste it into your comment they will become unbolded.

Coding for the (optional) template would be:

Username/Journal: Username/username
What I Like in Fandom: 
What I Dislike in Fandom: 
Other Hobbies/Interests: 
Other Fandoms: 

friending meme

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