
Mar 21, 2012 14:31

Community podfic! A lot of it! \o/

Studyology: A Community Mini-Anthology

A collection of cute and funny Community podficlets, featuring: Abed Nadir, Annie Edison, and Troy Barnes, and guest starring: Rodney McKay.

(and when I say "mini-anthology", I really do mean mini! the total running time is only 17 minutes!)

Title: Introduction to Pancake-Making by scintilla10
Pairing: Gen (Annie, Abed, Troy)
Rating: G
Length: 1:45, 1.6MB
LINK: Download or Stream

Title: Introduction to Narrative Convention by thingswithwings
Pairing: Abed/Troy
Rating: G
Author's Summary: They've never been evil before.
Length: 2:31, 1.9MB
Reader's note: Thanks to applegeuse for letting me know whether or not Troy's squeaky!voice was decipherable. ;)
LINK: Download or Stream

Title: Friendly Rivalry by htbthomas
Pairing: Gen (Annie, Abed, Troy)
Rating: G
Author's Summary: "Fine!" Her nostrils flare. "First person to be stumped by the other has to buy ice cream!"
Length: 2:50, 2.2MB
LINK: Download or Stream

Title: Basic Arithmetic and Intermediate Morning Hygiene by scintilla10
Pairing: Annie/Abed/Troy
Rating: G
Author's Summary: There were actually four toothbrushes standing upright in the Inspector's DARSIT: Annie's purple one, Troy's green-and-orange one, Abed's blue one, and a fourth one that had a piece of vibrant blue electrician's tape wrapped around it and a note written on it that said "DO NOT USE ME FOR BRUSHING HUMAN TEETH."
Length: 3:00, 2.6MB
LINK: Download or Stream

Title: Talking About Farscape by thingswithwings
Pairing: Gen (Abed, Rodney McKay)
Rating: G
Author's Summary: Talking about Farscape can be dangerous.
Length: 2:42, 2.1MB
Reader's note: I know very little about Farscape, but the idea of Abed and Rodney meeting delighted me so much that I just had to record this little ficlet!
LINK: Download or Stream

Title: Stealth is Our Middle Name by shinealightonme
Pairing: Gen (Annie, Abed, Troy)
Rating: G
Author's Summary: Abed and Troy let Annie in on a secret.
Length: 4:21, 3.8MB
Reader's note: My "Russian accent" was learned through watching three Youtube videos (one of which involved a dude pranking Walmart, idek). Warning for: entirely inaccurate Russian accent. \o\
LINK: Download or Stream

Zip file of the entire mini-anthology!


Title: Fitter, Happier, More Productive by toft
Reader: fishpatrol
Pairing: Troy/Abed
Author's Summary: Britta decides Abed and Troy should be honest with the group about their relationship.
Length: 25:37, 23.5MB

Reader's Notes: Recorded for bessyboo for the 2011 Christmas #InformalTwitterPodficExchange. :D Intro/outro music from the Community soundtrack.

MP3: Download
M4B: Download


Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry by fearlessfan
Readers: cantarina1 & fishpatrol
Pairing: Annie/Troy
Author's Summary: "What's up with Annie lately?" Troy asks. It's been on his mind for a few days now, this something-different-about-Annie, and it seems worth the risk of asking the group as a whole.
Length: 35:36, 20.5MB

MP3: Download


Title: Intro to the Art of Deception by suzvoy
Readers: fishpatrol & cantarina1
Cover artist: bessyboo (thank you for giving into our demands ♥♥~~)
Pairing: Gen [ensemble]
Rating: Teen
Author's Summary: Greendale receives two last-minute transfers and Jeff doesn't get jealous. At all.
Length: 43:16, 40MB

MP3: Download

character: jeff, podfic, character: chang, crossover, character: pierce, pairing: abed/annie/troy, pairing: abed/troy, character: britta, character: annie, character: shirley, character: troy, character: abed, character: dean pelton

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