Summing up the spoilers from the PaleyFest...

Mar 04, 2012 17:11

Since I hope it's useful having them listed for those who can't watch the whole thing:

- There's a coming episode in which Annie and Abed spend all their screentime in the Dreamatorium. Harmon refers to it saying that "it could either be the greatest or worst thing ever on television".
- A second Annie/Abed kiss is apparently on the way.
- A videogame episode! I’m freaking excited. The whole gang will play a videogame for an episode, although Harmon didn't say much else.
- “Chang has an army!”, probably referring to one of the latter episode (we already know that Chang is getting a lieutenant).

They also mentioned several times the Law & Order episode, which should air as 3.17.

event: paley fest, -ep3.17-basic-lupine-urology, spoilers

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