Fic: Blindsided (PG-13)

Jan 06, 2012 21:02

Title: Blindsided
Author: ndnickerson at ivory_charmed
Characters/Pairing: Jeff, Annie, the study group
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Summary: Annie isn't sure who she is yet, but Jeff likes watching her try to figure it out.
Spoilers: Uh... for the heck of it I'll say all aired episodes, but most of them are through early S3. Set after 3x10, Regional Holiday Music.
Warning(s): Some language.
Word Count: 4679
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue.
Author's Note: Written for plasticeneposes in Yuletide 2011.

Has to be a slow newsweek

yuletide, character: jeff, pairing: annie/jeff, character: ensemble, fanfiction, character: annie

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