Goooooood morning Greendale! As you know, it is actually MondayTuesday now, and I have a perfectly good excuse for being late with this post. But I hope Dean Pelton won't mind too much and end up declaring today as a non-existent date. Or set me up to become a Level 6 Laser Lotus - which we know doesn't exist either.
120 - The Science of Illusion
Community from a personal perspective:
- What's the best April Fools' prank you've ever been a part of?
- Do you have a natural gift for levity, or are you more of a buzzkill?
- What's your favorite snack while watching tv (or real life, if your cable went out)?
Character study:
- Why were Shirley and Annie fighting over who gets to be the bad cop? Why did they want to prove they were more capable than people expected them to be?
- How much longer do you think Pierce would continue fibbing about his ascension to Level 6 if he hadn't already confessed?
- Based on previous episodes, did you expect that Britta would be labeled a buzzkill? Do you have ideas on where her sense of humor comes from?
- Do you think Dean Pelton takes April Fools' pranks much too seriously? Was it a natural reaction to be expected from an administrator?
- If the original plan had been followed with Abed being partnered with Annie, which one would have been the better badass? Would you watch this buddy cop movie?
- Do you think the whole Shirley/Annie/Jeff/Britta plot would turn out the way it did without Abed's commentary?
- Favorite line and scene?
Other questions:
- Does Pierce's "ascension robes" remind you of anything besides the Cookie Crisp wizard?
- What do you think Harry's dream meant?
- Would you get up before 6 am just to hold up placards for a fake morning show?
- Any other thoughts about this episode?
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